● Thirty-Six ●

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January 21st. 

"Nine months old already!" Izuku cooed, watching the baby babble cutely on his lap. "A few more blinks and you'll be graduating." He cackled, watching her clap her hands. 

"Oi, don't say shit like that. She's not even walking yet." Katsuki stiffened by his side. Their daughter had managed to stand up on her own, during the past week, and the alpha couldn't be more proud. Moon was growing up so fast, babbling and trying hard to formulate words. Both parents were excited to hear her say her first word, which they patiently waited for. 

"She will be, soon enough." Midoriya pointed out, recalling how his daughter had started standing up on her own with no help whatsoever, except for the fact that she used the coffee table for support and walls to lean against when she did. 

Katsuki chuckled, looking down to the blonde on Izuku's lap. His eyes trailed down to his phone again as he hummed quietly, thoughts storming inside his head. Ever since Izuku had told him about the relationship he wanted and the affection he needed, the blond found himself planning their future. He cringed at how soft he was becoming for the nerd, but he enjoyed thinking ahead to the life they could share someday. 

More kids is indeed something he wanted. Though they couldn't afford it at the moment and didn't have enough space. Also, they were still young and taking care of a 40-week-old. To accommodate another child, they'd have to move into a bigger space. A house, preferably. Which meant they'd have to pay mortgage. Which meant they both had to work a lot to save up for the down payment. 

Step by step. That's what they had to do. He hadn't spoken about any plans to his omega, since he wanted to make sure he was 100% certain about all of it. Plus, all of that could wait. They had plenty of time to save up some cash before having another child. One step at a time. 

It didn't matter at the moment anyway; Katsuki had bigger - more urgent things to think about. Like the velvet box that had been trapped in his coat's pocket for the past two weeks. 

"Oh, gosh." Izuku hissed through gritted teeth. Crimson eyes lowered to his daughter who had stop squirming completely. "She's working on a big number two, huh." The omega whined, watching Moon's face twist and turn red. Bakugou smiled, knowing that face was one of the funniest ones his daughter would ever make. 

"Want me to take care of it?" He offered, closing his phone. Emerald eyes trailed off to the blond as the greenette cocked a brow. 

"Uhm, no, it's fine. You're sensitive to strong smells, Kacchan. You know you can't handle her number twos." Izuku spoke, a bit confused as to why the blond had offered despite the fact that he hated changing stinky diapers. 

"Just wanted to help." The alpha shrugged. 

"You should stick to her pees. I'll take care of her poos." Midoriya chuckled, standing up and holding Moon away from him as she groaned. Her feet kicked around in the air as she continued to hold her breath, exhaling after every push she gave. Katsuki snickered at the sight as Izuku walked off to the nursery, leaving him alone. Once he was gone, the alpha was quick to open his phone again and scroll through the website he was on. 

Local houses for sale. He was in the cheapest section there was, only finding small homes that were basically the size of the apartment they rented now. He knew there was still a while to go before they could purchase a decent sized house, especially since both their bank accounts were drained from having to buy baby stuff for Moon all the time. But it didn't hurt to look around, right? 

He sighed as he reached the high prices he wasn't interested in, closing his phone once more. He slouched back on the sofa, looking up to the ceiling as he listened to Midoriya coo in the room next door. 

"I put her down for a nap." Izuku muttered, finally exiting the nursery. "She was getting a little tired." He spoke, taking a seat next to the strong man. Emerald eyes trailed off to distant crimsons, a frown taking place on fair features. "Are you okay, Kacchan? You've been super... Different, lately." He pointed out, gently poking the alpha's arm. 

Katsuki lowered his eyes, his boyfriend's voice resonating throughout the apartment. He huffed as he looked over, not lifting his head from the back of the couch as he met concerned greens. 
"I'm fine, just been thinking about a lot of stuff." He muttered. "I'll be turning 22, soon. And Moon's gonna turn one." He pointed out. 

"I know, right?" Izuku grinned. "Time flies so fast. I feel like it was just yesterday that I delivered her." He hummed, a smile planted on his lips as he looked down to his knees. 

"We're going back to work April 24th." Bakugou muttered, lost in his thoughts. "This is all flying by so fast. I can't keep up. It's just a big blur." He sighed, running his hand through wild blond strands. "I feel stupid."

"Don't. I feel that way too; as if everything around us is just going by so fast. Moon is growing up and you feel as if... If you blink, she'll grow a lot more." Izuku muttered, a smile growing. "It's kind of... Hard to explain. And nerve wracking too." He chuckled, meeting crimsons. 

"Yeah." Bakugou nodded in agreement. A silence roamed as he huffed, looking over to greens once again. "Maybe we should plan another date. In a few months. Just you and I." He suggested, his voice quiet. 

"Hm? Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. Did you like it last time?" Izuku questioned, eyes wide and curious as he dove into rubies. 

"I like it better when we're both pent up. Doing it every rut and heat is fun, but it gets old. Having skipped ten months was a bitch, but releasing after so long was heaven to me." He explained. "You felt the same, right? I can tell you really enjoyed yourself. That's why I want to wait a few months before taking another weekend. So we can enjoy ourselves all over again." He continued, unsure if he made much sense. 

Midoriya nodded along, understanding every word. "Yeah, I liked it too. Your idea sounds good. Maybe we should schedule something like that every three or four months." Izuku smiled, pressing his thumb to his bottom lip in thought as he muttered. "I suppose suppressing our cycles isn't very good, at least to some extent, but if we release every few months and start all over then I don't see a problem. Everything should be fine." He continued, speaking his mind aloud. 

Katsuki scoffed while he watched by the corner of his eye as Midoriya continued to mumble to himself. He smiled softly as the freckled man seemed to think hard about everything they could do and the effects of them doing it. He thought for a moment, hesitating as he reached his hand out, twirling a green curl between his index and middle finger. 

"Your hair is getting long." He pointed out. "Want me to cut it?" 

"Oh, is it that bad already? I feel like we cut it just a few months ago." Izuku muttered, fiddling with his bangs. "I mean... Sure. If you want, you can cut my hair again." He smiled, looking over to happy crimsons. His heart fluttered in his chest at the blond's smile, head-over-heels for the soft side Bakugou had started to show him these past couple of weeks. 

"Alright, I'll get the scissors and towel. You get the chair." Bakugou grumbled, pushing himself off the couch. Izuku smiled as he nodded, standing up as well. 


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