● Seven ●

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Izuku and Katsuki had been waiting for this moment for what felt like an eternity. They both felt a sense of nervous excitement as they stood outside the doctor's office, double-checking that they had remembered to bring all of the necessary paperwork. As they walked into the office, they were greeted by a friendly receptionist with a warm smile. Kujo Hendo was her name, and Izuku found her to be quite nice.

"Well, hello there, gentlemen." She said with a smile, seemingly surprised to see Katsuki coming along with the greenette. After all, Izuku often came to his monthly checkups alone. "Are you here for your 1:30 appointment?"

"Yes, I am." Izuku replied, feeling a sense of relief that they were finally here.

"Great." The receptionist replied, giving a few clicks on her computer's screen. "I just need to see some ID and insurance information, and then we can take you back. Is this a monthly checkup or a personal appointment?" She continued as Midoriya pressed the papers he needed on the counter.

"Oh, personal. We'll be paying." He spoke. Usually, his monthly checkups would be paid by his agency since it was necessary and related to his job. Hendo hummed as she clicked a few times, filling out a file on her screen before grabbing the papers the hero had handed to her. She read over them, checking to see if it matched the information on her screen. 

The two's hearts raced with anticipation. As they followed the receptionist to the doctor's office, they exchanged a nervous glance, both of them feeling like they were about to embark on an adventure they could never have imagined.

Once they were in the doctor's office, they settled into the comfortable chairs and waited for Midoriya's doctor to arrive. A 30-year-old man named Inouye Kasumi. They both felt a sense of anxiety bubbling up inside them, but they did their best to keep their nerves under control as the doctor finally walked in with a warm smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I see you decided to bring Dynamight along with you today, I'm guessing this is serious." The man smiled, taking a seat at his desk. Izuku chuckled nervously. He had been a patient of Inouye's for a while now and he got along with the man quite well. "So, you mentioned you had some changes in hormones, correct?" The dark haired man started, scribbling down on his clipboard and Midoriya nodded.

"Uhm, well, actually..." He started, looking down. "I decided to make some research on what my condition could have been related to a few days ago. Thursday, I took two pregnancy tests and both came out as positive." He explained, earning an eyebrow raise from his doctor. 

"Oh?" He hummed. 

"I took another one Thursday morning, for extra confirmation, y'know... And it also came out as positive." He muttered. A silence roamed as glances were exchanged between Bakugou and the doctor. 

"I see. Well, you just made my job a whole lot easier. I'll be skipping some questions, then." He muttered with a smile. "Have you two been actively trying for a baby?" He asked, standing up to look through a file cabinet. Izuku bit his lip as Katsuki spoke up for him. 

"I've been wearing condoms." The alpha spat. "I know the brand I was using wasn't the best and had a few lawsuits for having holes in them. But Izuku and I haven't been very active sexually at all. We only ever get intimate when one of us is in heat or rut." He explained. Usually, the blond would try to avoid conversations like these. But this was Midoriya's doctor and he knew he had to be apart of this. 

"I see. Well, I want to run a few tests to medically confirm a pregnancy for you. Is that okay?" The dark-haired man asked, fixing his glasses. Izuku nodded. The greenette was sent for a urine sample while Bakugou patiently waited in Kasumi's office. Then, the couple was led to an ultrasound room, where they both got to stare at a black and white screen. Although they couldn't see much, Inouye confirmed that there was indeed a fetus. Led back to the office, they both took their seats again as they let the information seep in. They knew Izuku was pregnant, but a medical confirmation had seemed to hit different for them. 

"And, you two are planning on keeping the baby?" The doctor asking, clicking at his screen. Midoriya hummed as they both nodded, answering a few questions the man needed answers to.

"I have a question." Bakugou spoke up as the man sat down. 

"Yes, Dynamight?" The other alpha hummed, looking up to crimson eyes. 

"Izuku's a fighter, when it comes to our jobs. He's not an undercover hero, he's in the line of action. Can the kid get hurt if he uses his quirk?" He asked, his tone serious. Izuku looked over to the blond with wide eyes. He hadn't thought about his quirk use affecting the baby. And, if One For All was to affect the fetus' development, he wasn't sure if he had been off to a good start since he had used his power a lot since fertilization. 

"I wouldn't see a problem, for the time being. Izuku's womb is still small and the baby isn't at any risk of getting hurt while you fight. That is, unless your abdomen is injured. However, when you reach the three month mark. Once you start showing, I'll write a letter to your agency asking for an early maternity leave." He explained. "Because, once the bump starts to show, your muscles will change around your abdomen. When you activate your quirk, your muscles contract. That could bring harm to the baby when it starts to grow." He explained. Izuku nodded, bummed by the idea of only having a month of work left. After all, he was already 5 weeks in. 

"Right." He hummed, looking down. 

"For the birth, do you plan on having me as the doctor who follows your pregnancy checkups, or do you want someone else?" He asked, looking over to emeralds. "The doctor you choose would most likely be the one who delivers the baby as well." 

"Oh, you. I don't think I'd be comfortable with Katsuki's doctor, or any other doctor, for that matter." He smiled nervously. The man nodded, clicking another box on his screen. 

"And... Would you rather go by cesarian or natural birth?" He questioned. 

"Uhm..." Midoriya looked over to crimson eyes, hoping Katsuki would have a good answer. But he simply received a shrug and a confused glance from his lover. "I don't know." He admitted, looking back to the dark-haired man. 

"That's okay, we still have a long way ahead of us. You two have plenty of time to think about the way you want to pregnancy to go." He muttered. A silence roamed as the worker seemed to fly through other questions, unsure whether he should ask them or not. "I... I'll schedule you another appointment for two weeks from now, at your seven-week-mark. Does... Saturday the 27th sound good?" He asked, looking up. 

The two heroes checked the calendars on their phones, with Midoriya having an early shift in the morning and Bakugou having one in the afternoon. They huffed, both knowing they'd have to take the day off. 

"It's fine. Saturday the 27th sounds fine." Midoriya nodded, stuffing his phone away again. Inouye nodded.

"Right. Well, I'll send you an email, Midoriya" He hummed, standing up from his chair in dismissal. Deku furrowed his brows, as he was used to texts.

"Why?" He questioned, standing up as well. His alpha followed out the door, also curious to know what the email would hold. 

"I'll send you some links to reliable pregnancy sources, where you'll be able to find out about things that expecting mothers don't usually talk about. And, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me." Kasumi smiled. "I'll see you in two weeks." He winked, earning smiles from the couple. Knowing they had someone to help them - a guide - helped put their minds at ease. They knew if they had someone around to lead them in the right path and help them be good parents. 

"See you in two weeks." 

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