● Forty-Three ●

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"Mama!" The blonde squealed, wobblily making her way to the greenette. Izuku smiled wide as he bent down, opening his arms as his daughter tried her best to run to him, her steps unsteady as she nearly tripped a few times. 

"I missed you so much!" He huffed, picking her up and pressing a bunch of kisses on her freckled cheek. He smiled as she made grippy hands towards her father, grinning as Katsuki leaned in to kiss her forehead. 

"Hi, princess. Daddy's home, come here." He cooed, letting go of the bags and taking the baby in his arms. She babbled happily as she was taken, shrieking and kicking her feet as she laughed. 

"Dada! Dada!" She repeated, excitedly squirming in his hold. Katsuki snickered, looking up to the timid-looking woman in their living room. "How was she?" He asked, kicking off his boots and walking in. Izuku followed, listening to his mother speak. 

"She was wonderful. She kept calling your names whenever I tried to put her to bed - No wonder she's so excited to see you two." Inko snickered, looking over to the happy pup. 

"Thanks for taking care of her, mom." Izuku spoke up, grinning like a madman as he watched his partner raise Moon up with a chuckle. "Oh!" He suddenly snapped out of his trance, looking over to his parent. "Look." He smiled, lifting his left hand over to her. Inko glanced down, eyes widening and brows furrowing as she met emeralds. 

"Wha-? Are you two- Katsuki proposed?" She shrieked, frantically glancing over to the two men. Izuku giggled, meeting crimsons with a warm smiled as he nodded. 

"Mhm. We got engaged Saturday afternoon, not long after arriving at our hotel." He explained, watching tears grow in green eyes. 

"Oh, oh my goodness!" She whimpered, covering her mouth. "This is wonderful! I'm so happy! Oh- Does his parents know?" She spoke, waving her hands around in excitement. Moon cooed along, though she had no clue what was happening, she shared happiness and excitement with them.

"No, we decided to tell everyone after our weekend off." Katsuki spoke up, making eye contact with his lover for a brief moment. "Izuku wants to hold an engagement party, too." He chuckled, earning a sheepish smile from the greenette. 

"Oh, this is- I'm so happy for you two." She sniffled, a grin on her features. Izuku giggled, accepting a hug from his mother. "Oh, goodness." She huffed, pulling away. 

It took a good hour before Inko left, promising to keep her mouth shut about it until their engagement was made public. The two took a moment to themselves, spending the afternoon unpacking and spending a bit of time with Moon. Once dinner was over and their pup was put down in her crib, they decided it was a good time to announce the news to Mitsuki and Masaru. 

Katsuki had taken a seat on the living room couch with his omega by his side, their hands intertwined. It kind of felt like the pregnancy announcement, and they both thoughts so as the phone rang on speaker on the coffee table. 

"What do you want, Katsuki?" Mitsuki's voice resonated, a hint of concern being obvious. 

"I got some news, hag. Put me on speaker phone and make sure my old man is around." He huffed, a smile forming as he glanced over to happy greens. 

"Hm? What is it? Did you get Izuku pregnant again?" She asked, annoyed. Bakugou rolled his eyes with a chuckle. 

"No, I didn't. This is something else." He muttered, hearing his mother shift on the other end. 

"Okay, you're on speaker. You father can hear you. Spill." She suddenly spoke up. The blond smiled, awkward for a short moment before speaking. 

"Izuku and I are engaged." He announced, earning a sudden shriek from his parent. 

"What? Since when?" Mitsuki was quick to shoot back. She began to ramble, bombarding so many questions and speaking so loud that the two could barely hear Masaru's quiet voice congratulating them in the background. 

"Since Saturday afternoon." Bakugou cleared out. "I proposed at our hotel."

"And Izuku said yes?" She asked, in disbelief. 

"No shit, we wouldn't be engaged if he turned me down." The alpha snarled, now irritated by his mom's dumb questions. 

"Shit, he must be out of his damn mind to want to marry you." She commented, making a blond eyebrow twitch in frustration. Midoriya couldn't help but laugh at the line, making Mitsuki laugh along on the other end. "Well, I'm happy for you kiddo. As long as you're 100% sure about this, then you've got my support. Congratulations." She chuckled, earning a smile on handsome features. Bakugou thanked her, sharing a few last words before hanging up. 

"That was easier than expected." He huffed. "I was sure she'd annoy the shit outta me with a million stupid ass questions. That wasn't too bad." He stated, closing his phone. 

"Yeah, but your dad barely had a word in." Izuku chuckled, leaning to the side. Bakugou relaxed with the omega's head pressed against his shoulder, his eyes fluttering to a close as he sighed. "I'm so happy." The green-haired hero hummed. 

"Me too." Katsuki shot back, feeling his omega shiver from happiness by his side. 

"I really never expected you to propose. I didn't think marriage was something you were even close to being interested in." Izuku admitted. "That's why I had so many ideas when I found the ring. I thought it was a gift for your mom or maybe something for a friend." He continued. 

"Yeah." Bakugou chuckled. "You're a dumbass." He nudged, earning a giggle from the other. 

"I know." Izuku laughed. "But so are you." 

"We're both dumbasses." Katsuki announced, as if there was an audience in front of them. Midoriya grinned, laughing happily. "We really are. I can't believe we skipped the condom for three rounds." The blond huffed, thinking back to their weekend. "Seriously - What if I got you pregnant again?" 

"I doubt it. My heat was two weeks ago, and your rut is next week. I wasn't in my high-fertility days either, so the chances of me getting pregnant are low." Izuku murmured, closing his eyes as he relaxed in his alpha's embrace. 

"I know. But it's still possible. I'm a healthy, dominant alpha and you're a healthy dominant omega." Katsuki explained. "I don't see why you wouldn't have gotten pregnant." He huffed. "I shot my sperm in you three fucking times." He sighed, running a hand through damp blond strands. 

"Stop worrying." Izuku muttered. "Even if I actually end up pregnant, would that be such a bad thing?" He hummed, cocking a brow as he lifted his head to face crimsons. Katsuki paused, cringing. 

"Well, we don't have the space or finances to accommodate another baby. I've been wanting to move into an actual house with you, but that's far from happening since we're in debt from having to buy so many fucking diapers." The blond hissed through gritted teeth. 

"I know that. But screw that stuff. I'm asking if you'd be willing to have another baby? Or would it be too much of a big responsibility?" Izuku asked. Another short silence roamed as Bakugou's brows furrowed. 

"I think Moon would like it. Having a little sibling, I mean. She's getting to that age where she likes to be around other kids, and gets lonely with only us since we can't keep up with her energy at some points." He huffed, in thought. "I wouldn't be against it either. Having a family with you is something I'd like, one day. But right now is too soon. We have Moon, and that's enough." He explained, earning a nod of agreement from the smaller man. 

"Yeah. The chances of me getting pregnant this weekend are slim, anyway. My heat tracker said so." Izuku hummed, getting comfortable. "I don't know why we're planning all of this." He giggled. "We've got more important things to think about: Our marriage." He continued. 

"Yeah." Katsuki agreed, closing his eyes. "I'm tired." He groaned, leaning back. Izuku nodded along, tired as well. 

"Me too." He admitted. 

"Before planning our wedding and shit, can we take a nap together?" The blond asked, lazily swinging his arm around the omega's chest. Izuku nodded, humming sleepily. Sleep threatened to overtake him as he yawned, leaning into his fiancé's chest as he muttered a reply. 

"Yeah, of course." 

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