● Twenty-Two ●

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"Kacchan! Look at how cute this is!" Izuku giggled, holding up a baby onesie. Katsuki smiled as he admired the small Hawks costume the greenette held. "I didn't realize there was so much hero merch in baby stores." The omega smiled, setting the outfit back on the rack. 

Now 36 weeks into his pregnancy, Izuku spent most of his free time shopping for baby clothes with his lover. There was only four weeks left before his due date, and they didn't have much else to do to prepare. Heck, their daughter's wardrobe was already full. Midoriya simply insisted on buying more every time they went out, which annoyed Bakugou. 

"What about this one?" Katsuki hummed, picking out a Dynamight onesie that sported an orange tutu. Izuku awed, giggling sweetly. 

"We already have three, similar to that one." The greenette spoke in a teasing tone. His alpha chuckled, setting it back before glancing around the small store. He smiled at the cashier who hadn't stopped staring at the two since arriving, grabbing the freckled man's hand. 

"Wanna go check out the other stores?" He questioned, earning a nod from the pregnant man. 

"Sure. Can we stop for a snack at a booth somewhere, first? I'm getting hungry." The freckled male asked, glancing up to crimsons as they walked out into the large hall. It was Sunday, so not many people visited the mall, especially not this late, which is something they loved. After all, as heroes, it was a struggle to go shopping for baby clothing during the day with a packed mall, since fans and paparazzi would crowd them as soon as they walked in. 

"What're you craving?" The alpha huffed, squeezing his hand around Izuku's. 

"Uhm... Fries. Taki's fries, from his booth. He makes the best fries. I'm not sure he's opened at this hour, though." The omega pressed his thumb to his lip in though, soon turning his attention to the squeeze on his left hand. "Y'know, you don't have to hold my hand. It isn't packed right now, you won't lose me." The greenette chuckled, recalling the last time they had come shopping. The two had gotten separated and it had taken a while before they found each other again through the crowded mall.

"I'm just keeping an eye out. You're a pregnant, top hero, Deku. I wouldn't be surprised if any villains would be camping around here just waiting for an opening to attack." He huffed. 

"You're so on edge. Relax, it's ten o'clock at night. I doubt any villains are roaming around here right now. There's barely anyone here." Izuku rolled his eyes with a grin. "That does remind me, though. Now that we'll have a baby around, being a hero will have a whole new meaning. She's gonna be a weak spot for us. We'll have to protect her from any threat. I'm sure dirty villains will try getting to her to damage us. Low-blow style." Midoriya muttered. 

"Exactly. Just because she's not born yet doesn't mean she's not safe. Or you." Katsuki hissed. "Ah, he's opened. Looks like he's about to close, though." Bakugou pointed ahead where a small shack was installed, an old man cleaning the countertop he worked on. The blond chuckled as his omega pulled away from his hold, rushing towards the sweet old man and calling his name for an order of fries. The alpha remained silent as he approached the booth, watching Taki prepare a set of fries for his overly-excited partner. 

After only a few minutes, a small carboard box was handed to the omega. The booth owner congratulated him on his pregnancy and spoke about a bit of hero news with them before giving them the price for their fries; 800¥. Bakugou was quick to pay the man, stealing one of his lover's fries before making their way down the hall and towards another baby clothing store. 

"Are we going home soon? It's getting late, nerd. I know you're getting tired." Katsuki muttered softly as they entered a certain store. They glanced around the racks for small pairs of pants and shirts, Izuku shaking his head no. 

"I'm fine. I feel very energized." The omega spoke, eating a fry as he admired a tiny suit. "Oh, Kacchan, look at this! I'm sure she'd look super cute in this." He eventually spoke louder, pointing a half-eaten fry at a small white dress. Bakugou looked over to it, finding the outfit simple yet adorable. "It's only 900¥ too." 

"Grab it." The blond nodded. "It's cheap, we can afford it. And it's cute." 

Izuku smiled wide as he took the small dress off the rack, paying for it at the counter before hurrying out to the hall. Shopping was definitely something he enjoyed doing with his partner, especially when it was for their unborn daughter. Bakugou seemed to like it too, though he'd never admit it. 

Midoriya was quick to finish his fries, throwing out the carboard tray in a nearby trashcan. The couple made their way down the empty halls, looking through the few stores that were still opened. Nothing really caught their attention, except for one thing that Bakugou had started to notice: Izuku had seemed to calm down. He wasn't as excited as he was just a few moments ago, and had started to walk a bit slower. 

"You gettin' tired?" The blond questioned, looking back to the distracted greenette. Crimsons met emeralds as Izuku shrugged. 

"I'm okay. We still have a few more places to visit, anyway." The omega shrugged it off. Bakugou's brows furrowed as he noticed the circles forming under his mate's eyes, and how he shifted around on his feet. He was clearly switching his weight on his left foot, then his right. Usually a sign of foot or leg pain. 

"Let's go home. The stores are all closing." Bakugou huffed, clutching on his bags. "You're clearly tired, and getting uncomfortable." He continued, green eyes widening. 

"I'm fine, Kacchan! Really." The omega whimpered, waving his hands around. "I'm feeling just fine."

"Come on, I'll give you a foot and back massage once we settle down in bed." The blond continued. "I'm not taking no as an answer. If you don't follow me to the car, you're walking home." The alpha snarled, already making his way towards the large exit doors. Izuku frowned as he struggled to catch up, whining as he wished he could have stayed a little longer. 

"Can we come back tomorrow?" He asked, walking alongside the tall hero. 

"We'll see, then. Right now, let's focus on getting the fuck out of here." He sighed, looking down to emeralds. Blond brows furrowed as he watched Midoriya's face twist in pain. "What is it? Cramps?" He asked, slowing down as the greenette came to a short stop. The small man nodded, shrugging as he slowly started walking again. 

"Yeah. Pre-labor cramps, again. They keep catching me off guard." He spoke with a whine. The freckled man yawned as he mindlessly grabbed onto his alpha's arm, tugging himself closer as they walked. 

Bakugou scoffed as he pushed open the exit doors, walking out into the dark parking lot where only his car and a few more were parked. He glanced down at the tired omega, refusing to let go of his arm as they approached his vehicle. 

4 more weeks before he'd get to meet his daughter. And, even though he was terrified out of his mind, he was also very excited. 

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