● Forty-One ●

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Izuku sighed, tired as he kicked off his red shoes. He was quick to shift to the bedroom where his boyfriend was sleeping, quietly removing his hero attire so he could slip into comfortable pajamas. Usually, Bakugou was the one to work late, but today was the opposite. He had been stuck with a 10AM to 10PM shift. 

The greenette tensed as he slipped into bed, the blond groaning by his side. He stiffened, pausing as he watched his alpha flip over, crimsons opening to dive into emeralds. Izuku swallowed, giving a sheepish smile as he continued to get comfortable. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He huffed. "How was Moon?" He asked, looking over to the shifting other. 

"She was fine. My mom said she didn't give her any trouble whatsoever, except for a tantrum. I put her to bed about an hour ago." The blond explained. Izuku nodded, watching his partner shift around in an effort to get comfortable. 

"I'm glad." The greenette smiled. "And, how was work?" He asked, knowing Bakugou had had an early patrol shift, from 8AM to 7PM. 

"It was fine. Arrested some scumbag who pickpocketed an old lady." The blond shrugged, finally finding a good position. Izuku grinned. 

"At least you're getting some action... I haven't had anything exciting happen since I returned to work." He muttered sadly. 

"That's a good thing, dumbass." Katsuki shot back, shifting to swing an arm around a toned waist. Midoriya smiled, a pink blush racing across freckled cheeks as Bakugou pulled him closer to his chest. "Get some rest, it's late." The alpha huffed, burying his nose in green locks. 

"Oh, my mom texted me today and said she would be more than happy to babysit Moon while we're away." Izuku mumbled quietly. 

"Good, now sleep." Katsuki repeated. 

"We haven't had a weekend to ourselves in a while, three months." The greenette continued, watching as he fiddled with silk sheets. "I can't believe Moon is 14 months old already." He giggled. 

"Mhm. Can you be quiet, now?" The blond muttered tiredly into soft locks. 

"Are we still staying at the same motel?" The freckled omega asked, earning a sigh from his mate. 

"Yes, okay? I told you all of this yesterday. We're leaving tomorrow morning, going to Motel XX, staying there until Sunday afternoon then coming back home." The tall man explained, brows furrowing as he spoke. Izuku smiled, closing his eyes. It was Friday, June 20th. He had spent a few weekends with Katsuki to unwind at motels before, and he loved them. 

"Okay, sounds good." He muttered. "Is there anything special you have planned for our date?" He asked, looking up to a tired face. Bakugou grumbled, pausing to think without opening his eyes. 

"Dinner, maybe. I don't fucking know. Sleep, okay? It's almost eleven." The alpha groaned, tightening his hold on his omega. Izuku grinned, nodding as he got comfortable in the blond's arms. He sighed as he relaxed, the room growing quiet as they both drifted off to sleep. 

Fifteen minutes of rest is all the two got, before getting woken up by loud screams and a baby begging to be fed. 

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