● Eight ●

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As Izuku and Todoroki patrolled the streets of their city, it was clear that something was weighing heavily on Izuku's mind. Todoroki couldn't help but notice his friend's unease and decided to ask him what was wrong. 

"Midoriya, is everything okay? You look like you're about to burst." Todoroki said. He watched as the greenette flinched to his words, seemingly unsure if he should respond. "If you're still feeling sick, you can return home. I can patrol this area on my own, it's rather small and rarely ever has any crimes." The dual-haired hero mumbled, waving at a fangirling citizen.

"I'm fine, Todoroki." He hummed, forcing a smile. He hadn't slept well since his appointment with his doctor, a week prior. Though he and Katsuki had managed to get some rest, they hadn't been fully energized in what felt like forever. Izuku had decided to focus on his job while he still could, knowing he only had around seven days left. He wasn't sure how to break the news to his agency, friends and family but knew he's start showing sooner or later. 

"Are you sure? You and Bakugou have been acting strangely ever since you returned from your days off. Did you two fight?" He asked, keeping an eye on the tired-looking greenette. 

"No, we didn't fight." Izuku muttered, looking down to his boots. "I... Can't really tell you out loud, in public. I don't want anyone to find out right yet. And I don't know if Kacchan is okay with someone else knowing right now."

A silence roamed between the two as Shoto nodded, remaining silent for a bit. "Is it something you want to share? If so, I can keep your secret." He mumbled, looking back over to the shorter man. Izuku seemed to think for a moment, shrugging. 

"I suppose it'd be nice to get it off my chest. People are gonna have to know, one day. I just don't know how to tell anyone." He sadly murmured. Todoroki paused, grabbing the greenette's gloved hand as he led him to one side of the street. He glanced around, making sure nobody was near them before looking back over to wide emeralds. 

"Tell me. If it'll help you feel better and get your focus back on track, then tell me." He spat. "Is it something Bakugou did to you?"

Midoriya remained quiet, unsure what to reply. "Well..." He started, trying to think of a way to say it. After thinking for a few seconds and feeling as if Shoto would get impatient, he decided to say it as it was. "I'm... Pregnant." He whispered. 

Todoroki's face turned to shock at the news, but he quickly regained his composure and reached out to wrap Izuku in a hug. "Congratulations, Midoriya! This is amazing news. I had no idea you were trying. I also didn't think becoming a father was something Bakugou wanted." He muttered the last words, as if he had just found out about a new side of Katsuki.

"Ah-" The greenette choked, eyes widening. "We... Weren't trying. That's the thing. This is all unexpected. We made sure to use condoms every time." The omega spoke quietly, keeping an eye out for any people that might overhear their conversation. "If I'm being honest with you, Todoroki... All of this is terrifying me. I think Kacchan is freaking out too, deep down. But he's always been the type to hide his emotions and keep a calm front." He mumbled, looking down. 

"Did you talk with Kaminari or Jiro? They might have tips for you. Or your parents." The dual-haired hero suggested and Izuku shook his head. 

"Kacchan doesn't want to rely on those two. As for our parents, we're still trying to figure out how to tell them." The greenette explained, his voice unsteady. Shoto nodded along, speaking out again. 

"Am I the first person to know?" He questioned, tilting his head. Midoriya nodded. "I see. I don't think I can be much help to you in a situation like this. But I do wish you the best of luck. I'll keep your secret until you release it to the public or give me permission to speak about it." He said, smiling at his friend. Izuku smiled wide, thanking him with a nod. 

"You what?" 

"I couldn't help it, Kacchan! I needed to get it off my chest." Midoriya whined, seeing the annoyed expression on his lover's face. 

"I get that, but why did it have to be that damn half-n-half?" The blond snarled, placing the take-out bag on the table. A silence roamed as they both took their seats and opened their food. 

"I'm sorry. I know I should have kept my mouth shut about it. But he promised to keep it a secret for us. And he said if ever we needed to talk about it, he'd gladly listen. That's sweet of him." The freckled hero smiled as he finished. 

"No, not sweet. Izuku, I haven't even told my fucking parents yet, and this fucking weirdo knows about our baby." The alpha snarled, taking a bite from his sandwich. 

"He's not a weirdo, don't say that - He's our friend. I trust him." Izuku muttered, furrowing his brows. "He suggested we should ask for advice from Kaminari." He added, earning a groan and an eye-roll from the taller man. 

"I said no, that's it. We're not asking those two for advice. What did they even call their daughter, anyway?" He spat, looking up with a glare. Izuku fidgeted in his seat. 

"They named her Aiya, I think. Yaoyorozu told me. Aiya Kyouka Kaminari." He smiled softly, loving the sound of the name. 

"Sounds shitty." The blond snickered, making the greenette's smile drop. Izuku rolled his eyes as he bit into his food, sighing. 

"Kacchan, I'm going on maternity leave in a week. The public's going to know, once they notice one of the top heroes is off on leave. Questions will be asked and rumors are going to start. If you want to tell our parents, this is the best time to do it." The greenette murmured. He watched as the blond tensed, looking up to meet emeralds. 

"Deal offer." He muttered, and Izuku raised an eyebrow. 

"What's the offer?" The omega asked. 

"You call my parents and I call yours." Bakugou blurted, nearly choking on his food. Izuku frowned as he knew the blond wasn't comfortable having normal conversations Mitsuki and their interactions often turning into arguments. He knew the blond's interactions with his father - Masaru - were often awkward and long. He also knew his own mother, Inko, would be very understanding of the situation and would only whine a little bit.

"Kacchan... You've got to tell your own parents about this." He groaned. 

"My mom will understand better if you're the one to tell her!" The alpha argued, stiffening in his chair. Izuku bit his lip, looking away in thought. 

"I don't know. I really think it's best if they find out from their son. You'll look like a coward if you run away from your own parents." He muttered, watching the blond shake his head frantically. 

"Fuck no, I don't give a shit. I'd rather be a coward that talk to that hag about this. She'll drive right over here and beat the shit outta me for impregnating you. She'll think I forced you into this, that I went into a breeding rut and practically assaulted you to carry my pup." The blond rambled, his eyes wide as his complexion pale. Izuku's eyes widened as his partner spoke. 

"Okay, calm down!" He called out, raising his hands in dismissal. "I'll call your parents. But I want to call my mom too. I don't want her to find out from you." He spoke, watching the alpha relax again. A short silence occurred as Bakugou took another bite of his food. 

"Thank you, Izu." He sighed. "When are we calling them?" He asked, looking up again. Midoriya shrugged. 

"I still need some time to focus on things and to prepare myself for my maternity leave. So... I'll call them the evening before my first day off. Sound good?" He asked, taking another bite from his meal. Bakugou nodded, looking down to his hands. 

"Alright." He hummed. 

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