● Thirty-One ●

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Izuku flinched, turning to face the blond not without removing his hand from his 6-month-old daughter's tummy. 

"Hey." He smiled back, watching his lover approach the crib. 

"She's finally asleep?" Katsuki huffed, peeking down at the sleeping infant. A smile appeared on sharp features - A smile he only gave to Moon. Izuku's heart ached at the sight, somewhat hoping he'd be lucky enough to make Bakugou smile like that too, one day. 

"Yeah. She's just fussy whenever she passes gas." He hummed, his voice low. Green eyes lowered to a peaceful baby, a smile growing as he pulled his hand away from rubbing her stomach. "I think she's good now, though." He continued, looking up with a smile to the taller hero. He watched as Bakugou pulled away, his handsome smile fading as crimsons met emeralds. 

"She's growing too fucking fast. Six months already - Six months before we go back to work." The blond pointed out, shifting out of the room with the omega following him close behind. Izuku nodded along with his partner's words, unable to focus on what he was saying 100%. 

Moon was already 24 weeks old. She had learned to sit up on her own, roll over, and was doing a good job at starting to scoot around. She was quick to learn how to pass things and take things from people's hands, and was already mimicking sounds she heard her parents make a lot. 

Things like; Ma, Pa, Bub, Ga, Goo and Ag. Simple babbles. They weren't much, just simple syllables. But Izuku and Katsuki knew she was getting closer to forming actual words. All they could do was wait and encourage her by repeating simple words to her and hoping she'd say them back. 

"Right." Izuku nodded. "I can't wait to return to work. But I'm still gonna miss being around her all the time." He whispered, taking a seat on the sofa as he knew their parents would be the ones taking care of Moon while they were starting off work again. 

"I've been thinking, about going shopping for new clothes for her. She's growing out of her onesies she owns right now - She'll need more soon." The blond continued, pouring himself a cup of coffee before joining the omega on the couch. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table, pulling out his phone as he scrolled through random news articles and headlines. 

"Yeah, sounds good." Izuku hummed along. "I've been thinking about something too, actually." He pointed out, unable to bring his glare up to Bakugou's face. "Maybe we should go out, you and I." He suggested, his fingers gripping at his jeans as he hesitantly glanced over to confused crimsons. 

"What? Why?" The alpha scoffed, cocking a brow. 

"W-Well, y'know..." Midoriya muttered, chewing at his lip as his eyes shot back down to scarred hands. "We've been sticking here together at home for the past six months. Just us and Moon. I thought maybe we could go out together, on a... Date, or something. Rent a hotel room. Unwind." He suggested. "We've both been suppressing our cycles for the past six months. That's six heats, and six ruts that we've skipped. A night together and alone wouldn't hurt." He explained, feeling his lover tense by his side. 

"Tch." The blond clicked his tongue as he sipped on his beverage, returning his eyes to the screen of his device. "Gross. Suppressants aren't that bad. We can both handle the effects for the time being." He paused. "Unless you're getting horny." He spoke, glancing over. 

The greenette felt his face burn in embarrassment as he forced his eyes down to the carpet. His heart ached to the words, stomach twisting in unease. "That's not... It. I'm not... I just..." He stammered, unsure how to speak his mind. "I just want to spend some time alone with you. We haven't had any time together as a couple, lately." He huffed. 

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