● Twenty ●

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Today was the day.

 The doctor's appointment where Izuku and Katsuki would print out their first ultrasound and find out the sex of their child. 

Izuku flinched as he watched Kasumi gently spread the ultrasound gel on his abdomen, before fiddling with the transducer and plugging it into the machine. Green eyes nervously shot to his left, where Katsuki sat tense. A brief moment of eye contact was made between the lovers, exchanging excited smiles before turning their attention back to the doctor who sat on a stool.

"Okay, this is simple enough. But, since you're new parents, I'll walk you through it." Inouye mumbled to himself, pressing the device on Midoriya's bump. Izuku watched, an uncontrollable smile taking place as the image of their unborn baby appeared on screen. It took a moment for the worker to find a decent angle, but eventually managed to find a perfect spot that showed the side of their unborn baby. 

Midoriya still found it difficult to make out some of their pup's features but was still loving the fact that he could see their baby grow. It was like getting a sneak-peak to the real thing, he just wished he could get a clearer image. 

"Okay... Alright, this is a nice angle." The doctor muttered, stopping just below Izuku's belly-button. 

"They're growing so fast." Midoriya muttered, remembering the first ultrasound they had. He smiled back at the memory; knowing he could barely see their baby in the first picture as it was merely the size of a peanut. Now, their child was estimated to weigh around three pounds, and measured about 15 inches. 

"See, now this is the head, the left arm... The back." Kasumi began, trailing his finger over the image of their child. Izuku smiled wider as his alpha leaned closer, paying close attention to every detail. He could tell Bakugou loved attending ultrasounds to see how much their pup was growing and to see if it was still healthy.

"How do you know the gender?" The blond asked, glancing over to the dark-haired worker. Inouye smiled at the man, nodding before pointing back at the screen. 

"This is the left leg, right here. Usually, if it's a boy, you'd see a small formation right around here. Kind of like a little bump. In your case, there isn't any. And you can start to see the formation of a vagina even though the image is blurry." The doctor muttered. Katsuki's brows furrowed, staring at the screen before turning to the seated man. 

"It's a girl, then?" Izuku questioned, his heart rate increasing. It didn't bother him whether they'd have a son or daughter, he was only excited to know what they were expecting and was looking forward to go shopping for baby clothes with his lover. A smile formed on Kasumi's features as he glanced back to emeralds. 

"Correct. You're expecting a baby girl." The man spoke, congratulating the two. Dark eyes trailed over to the blond hero, seemingly holding back an internal conflict. "Were you two hoping for a girl or boy?" The man asked, carefully pressing a few buttons to prepare a printed image. 

"I wasn't really bothered, as long as the baby was healthy than I'm happy." Izuku grinned, still watching the blurry image of their daughter. He smiled at every slight movement she made, her little fists moving every now and then. "Kacchan, on the other hand, wanted a son. I don't think he knows how to handle a little girl." He chuckled nervously, glancing over to panicked crimsons. 

"Oi, shut the fuck up! You have no idea what you're talking about. Boy or girl, I'll be the best dad there is." The blond spat, brows furrowing in irritation as he met emeralds. Izuku smiled, knowing damn well his alpha wasn't very pleased with knowing he was carrying a girl. Though, there was nothing he could do to change that. Katsuki simply needed some time to let the information sink in, and all Midoriya could really do to help was keep encouraging him. 

Ever since the beginning of his pregnancy, Izuku had noticed a lot of changes in the blond. Katsuki had gotten more soft and affectionate - trying his best to be a good alpha for his omega and unborn pup. He knew Bakugou was trying his best. After all, the blond had been staying up late almost every night just to follow the documentary Izuku had started watching the week prior. And, if he was being honest, Katsuki had learned a lot from it.

Bakugou had already nailed the swaddle and how to fix a diaper correctly. Midoriya too had learned a lot, but enjoyed standing back and watching his lover work so hard. He loved to see just how focused Katsuki was while handling the teddybear, how gentle and careful he was whenever he practiced things. 

"Alright, I'll go pick up the pictures in the office and give you two a bit of privacy." The man hummed, standing from his stool as he handed some tissues to the greenette. Izuku watched as Inouye left the room, gently wiping the gel away from his large abdomen. He sat up, fixing his shirt and pulling up the maternity pants he was wearing, glancing over to the tense alpha. 

It wasn't hard to see; Bakugou was in a bit of a panic. 

"Kacchan, are you doing alright?" The omega asked, looking down to clenched fists. Katsuki shifted in his seat, unsure what to respond. 

"I don't know shit about girls. Heats, and girly things. Bras, boyfriends, dresses..." The blond hisses through gritted teeth. "I don't know if I'll be a good dad to a little girl. Having a son would be so much fucking easier for me." He cursed beneath his breath. 

"I'll be with you, there's nothing to worry about." Midoriya reassured. "Everything's gonna be fine. We'll help each other out. I don't know much about girls either, but I'm sure it can't be that difficult. We've got our moms, Jiro, and all our other girl-friends; I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give us advice and help whenever we need it." 

"I don't wanna ask for advice to anyone. If Kaminari can do it without help, then I can." He muttered. Izuku paused in silence, throwing away the wet tissue in the garbage can beside the bed. 

"I have no doubt that you'll do amazing as a father, Kacchan. Just wait until the first time you hold her, I'm sure you'll fall in love and your fatherly instincts will kick in." The smaller man muttered. A short silence occurred before the door was heard, a handsome alpha walking in with black and white photos in hand. 

"Here you go, three pictures of your daughter." Kasumi hummed, handing the pack of photos to the blond. Katsuki paused, confused as to why the man wasn't giving them to Midoriya. He reached out and took the papers, then focusing on the greenette who shifted out of bed. Within the next few minutes, they paid the bill and exited the doctor's office, getting in Bakugou's car to make their way back home. 

They both remained quiet as they walked up the metal staircase, entering their apartment and immediately greeted by warmth. Izuku was quick to go for a shower, still smiling at the fact that they were expecting a female pup. Bakugou, on the other hand, settled down in the living room with the teddy bear on his lap. 

The blond huffed as he turned on the television, prepared to learn how to bathe a newborn correctly. What shampoos and bodywashes are best, which clothes to use and how to do the task well. 

As the show began loading on the screen, crimsons trailed down to the three photos on the coffee table. Katsuki reached out, flipping through them as he stared at his unborn daughter. His mind clouded with the image of holding her for the very first time, wondering who she'd look like most. He hoped for green eyes, but still wanted the girl to look like himself. 

Red eyes shot back up to the television in front of him as the woman's familiar voice immediately began to speak, showing a bathroom and her usual baby-doll.

There was still so much he had to learn.
So much he had to prove. To himself, Izuku and their child.
He wanted... no. Needed to be a perfect father.
He wouldn't accept it any other way. 

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