● Twenty-Eight ●

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Katsuki gagged, earning a string of giggles from his omega. 

"It's not that bad." Izuku hummed, finding it hard not to react at the stench filling their pup's bedroom.

"Gah, you're nuts! Not that bad?!" Bakugou snarled loudly in response, coughing and gasping for air as he neared the door of the nursery. "Change her! Throw that out!" He spat, gasping for air before glancing back through tears to the squirming baby on the changing table. 

Midoriya smiled, rolling his eyes as he refocused on his four week old daughter. He held is breath as much as he could as he cleaned her, making sure to throw away the stinky diaper in a separate bag to throw out in the dumpster right away. 

For the first week of Moon's life, Katsuki had taken the initiative to change her, feed her, wash her, burp her and put her to bed. Though, for the past 3 weeks, they had been sharing chores and Izuku had discovered that his mate was sensitive to foul smells. It wasn't bad at first since their daughter's excrements weren't very pungent. But as she grew, it was getting worse. 

"There, all done." Izuku giggled, making sure the new clean diaper was put on correctly. He smiled as he took her in his arms, picking up the garbage bag and shifting into the hall to find groaning blond. "The smell's gone, now. You don't have to gag anymore." The greenette chuckled, approaching the alpha. He watched crimson eyes seem to hint irritation, taking Moon from the freckled hero's arms. 

"Still, the damn stench is stuck in the back of my throat. It's like it's glued to my fucking nostrils." Bakugou hissed, his features twisting in disgust. 

"Hey, no cursing. I thought we agreed on reducing the bad words around here." The omega pointed out, his smile immediately replaced by a frown. Bakugou rolled his eyes as he watched his partner walk out the door, clearly on his way to throw out the stinky bag. A silence roamed as he glanced down to the squirming infant in his arms, smiling at the orange and black dress she wore. 

"Pretty princess." He cooed, hoisting her up to his level. He held his daughter up to his face as he shifted to the sofa, humming at her as she groaned and fidgeted. He took a comfortable seat in the corner of the couch, gently resting Moon down on his lap. "I can't wait to see you smile." He spoke, his voice low. Dark eyes glued themselves to crimsons as she wriggled around in his lap, taking in her surroundings in curiosity. A smile formed on sharp features as Katsuki watched his month-old daughter examine the ceiling, loving how curious she was growing out to be. 

For a week now, she had been sleeping around 15 hours a day. During the 9 that she was awake, she didn't miss a chance to stare at something new. She seemed to love examining things, such as her mother's freckles and father's hair. She also seemed to enjoy staring at random objects for no reason at all. 

Bakugou looked over as the front door reopened, Midoriya stepping inside with a soft smile. He kicked off his slippers as he approached the furniture Katsuki rested on, peeking over to the gurgling infant. 

"I'm sure she'll pass out soon." He chuckled, glancing over to happy rubies. Katsuki shrugged with a nod, knowing Moon would probably run out of energy within the next few minutes. She had been awake for over an hour now, and though she hadn't done much other than eat, get changed and get carried around, she was still getting sleepy. 

Izuku's smile grew as he watched dark eyes threaten to close, leaning down and stretching his hands out for the blond to hand her to him. "Give her to me, I'll go put her down in her crib." He hummed, watching his partner carefully hold her up. The greenette grinned as he took his daughter in his arms, quickly making his way to the nursery to wrap her up and put her down for a nap. 

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