● Fourteen ●

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15 weeks. Only 25 more to go. Almost halfway there. Only 13 more before Katsuki takes his paternity leave and Izuku enters his final trimester. Izuku had done most of their shopping online already - buying a changing table, a crib, paint for the nursery's walls, blankets, a carpet and a rocking chair. Inko had gifted him a small table to set in his nursery that she had used when Izuku was little. 

Though, buying so much furniture had drained out the two's bank accounts and they weren't even close to having everything they needed. Which is why Midoriya thought it was a good idea to hold a baby shower. He had attended Kaminari and Jiro's when the two were only three months in, and had gifted them three pairs of baby shoes he had found adorable. Katsuki had attended as well, and had chipped in with Izuku's gift. 

Although holding their own baby shower sounded like one hell of a task and would take a lot of energy and planning, Izuku insisted on having one despite his alpha saying it was a horrible idea. Bakugou believed if he put on a few extra patrol shifts and spent more time at his agency, he'd be able to bring home more money for his family. However, Midoriya refused to let him do so as he thought it would only make the hero tired and grumpy - something he didn't want to put up with. 

"Kacchan, they're done." Izuku smiled happily, holding a pack of envelopes in his hands. He had written out invitations to their baby shower to his former classmates, friends and family. According to his plan, the event would be held in two weeks, on Katsuki's day off. 

"This is stupid." The blond sighed, turning from the stove to grab the pack of envelopes. He flipped through them, reading the names that had been neatly written by the omega on each one. "This feels... Weak. The fact that we have to beg others to do our damn shopping for us. We're screaming poor." The alpha grumbled, eyes narrowing on the invitation with his parents' names on it.

"Kacchan, it's perfectly normal for new parents to have a baby shower. It's hard for us to cover everything we need when it comes to having a first pup. There's a lot for us to do, and I'm sure people would be more than happy to come over." Midoriya smiled sheepishly as he took the envelopes back. 

The word of his pregnancy had spread since Halloween, and it seemed as if all of Japan knew about it. After all, top ranked heroes having a baby together wasn't something that happened every day. It was on nearly every news channel, newspaper and magazine. Katsuki didn't like the attention since a lot of reporters approached him during his shifts, asking for updates on Deku's condition and how they were planning on bringing up their first pup.

"Still, it's a shitty idea. If this goes south, it's on you." The alpha snarled, once again returning to his task. He stirred around the pot of curry as Izuku rolled his eyes, unable to see how his idea could fail or go wrong. 

"Your next shift is with Kirishima, right? Could you give out some invitations to people you work with, this week? It would help me out a bunch." Izuku hummed, sorting through the invites to find the redhead's. He pulled out Eijirou's, putting it aside as he knew it would most likely be given out the next day. 

"Sure." The blond replied with a shrug. "I'm working with Kirishima tomorrow, and I have an overlapping shift with Todoroki, for about 30 minutes." He continued, leading Izuku to find Shoto's invitation. He smiled as the alpha continued, listing the people he'd be seeing the next six days. "Then... Tuesday, I've got Yaoyorozu. Wednesday is Kirishima again, then Thursday I see Uraraka and Ojiro. Friday I have a new hero from UA, and Saturday I have Ojiro again." He listed. 

"So... Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka and Ojiro." Midoriya set out the five envelopes aside, looking through the others. "Okay, then I'll have to go around and give out my mom's, your parents', Iida, Kaminari and Jiro's, Hagakure's..." The greenette started, flipping through the rest of the pack. "Then... Aoyama, Ashido, Koda, Sato and his fiancé, Asui, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, and Mineta. There's All-Might too, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to come." Izuku smiled, glancing over to the cook in the kitchen. 

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