Distant F.P

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Florence didn't know what to do. Y/n had became more and more distant in the last three weeks. She knew it was because of their argument.

We both sat on the couch of our living room sitting in silence. Y/n had her focus on her book and I just sat and watched tv. It felt like y/n was fading away. "Y/n baby can we talk" I asked and turned the tv off. She didn't look up from her book. "What's there to talk about" you could hear the irritation in her voice.

"Y/n you've barely said a word to me all night. Look I'm sorry that I didn't want you to meet my parents just yet" I knew it was wrong but I had my reasons.

I was scared, I knew my parents were okay about the relationship, but would they like her. "That's the problem Florence, I want to meet them and the fact that you don't want me to makes me feel like you are embarrassed about our relationship" she said finally putting her book to the side making sure not to lose the page.

"I do want you to meet them, I really do, but just not right now. I love you and I'm not embarrassed about our relationship. It's just a lot" I explained. The last time I introduced someone to my family it went horribly wrong. I just don't want the same with y/n. She's special and I don't want her to leave because of them.

"I'm going to bed Florence, I cleaned up already just cut off the lights" she rushed out the room slamming the door loudly.

I sighed and hoped for the best. We had been dating for a year, but after my recent divorce it was hard for me to move on. That was until I met y/n on set of black widow. She was beautiful and she had caught me off guard when she walked in. I knew I had a thing for girls, but my attraction for her was different. Soon enough we both realized our feelings towards each other and began to date. I would trade her for anything in this world.

End of flashback

I sat down next to scarlet. I had went over to her house while y/n was out with haliee. "I just don't know what to do anymore scar, every time I try to explain myself she hears up and storms out the room" I explained to scarlet.

"Look Florence I've known you for some time now and I've known y/n. Just tell her how you feel and I promise your argument won't be a thing anymore. Instead of beating around the bush about it, be straight up with her. Tell her why you don't want her to meet your family just yet. She's not going to judge" scarlet was right.

I walked into the front door and took off my shoes and placed my coat on the rack. I walked into this amazing smell. I walked into the kitchen to see y/n with my apron on, cooking dinner and what looked to be desert.

She had flour all over her, even on her face. She was breathtaking. Her hair fell in place and fit just perfectly. Her concentration made me laugh.

I walked in and she looked up. "Oh hey I made you dinner, you don't have to eat it now. I know you've been eating later on here lately" even if we were arguing she cared and that's why I loved her more than anything in the world.

"Oh no I can eat now, unless you're still working on that" I pointed to the cake she was making. She looked down and began to laugh. It felt so good to hear her laugh, I hadn't heard it in a while.

"Can you help me, I've been working on this for an hour now and look at me I'm a mess. It's not even mixing right" she laughed through her frustration.

I came around the island and rolled up my sleeves to wash my hands. I came beside her looked at the mess all over the counter top. "You have a little" I leaned over to wipe the flour off her nose. "It's horrible isn't it" she sighed.

"No, it just needs work, here let me help you" I smiled. I went behind her and sat my chin on her shoulder, pressing my front to her back. My hands went on her waist. "How about we start over" I whispered in her ear. She turned her face away to hide the blush.

She nodded and I began to help her. She put the mix in the bowl and added to eggs. I slid my hand down her arm and guided her hand to the spatula to stir the mix. "Okay you want to make sure there's no clumps" I told her and helped her stir.

She poured the mix into the pan and placed it in the oven. "Thank you" she awkwardly said. I had totally forgot about our problem. "We should eat while it's baking" she moved quick to make the plates avoiding the conversation we were about to have.

We sat down and ate and it was silent, as it had been the last three weeks. I remember what scarlet said. 'Just tell her how you really feel' but it was so hard. I knew I could trust her.

She gave me a piece of the cake and it was good. "I have to go for an interview tomorrow, so I will probably be home late" I told her standing up to put my dish in the sink.

"Why do you keep avoiding the situation" y/n said making me stop in my tracts. I knew we were about to argue again. "Me avoiding, every time I try to talk to you, you just rush out and slam the door" my voice becoming louder. "I don't understand you Florence one minute you are calm and you are happy and then you get so defensive when all I ask is a simple question" she became loud too.

"Because you never listen" I yelled. "I have never listened, me, do you not remember how I was the one who was there for you when you were worried about your movie and how good it was going to be. I was there when you were sick and I took off just to be with you to make sure you were okay. I was there when he came running back to you knowing we were together. Me, not him, not scarlet, not haliee, me Florence. I have only ever asked one simple question it was to meet your parents. I don't care about how they look, act, or feel about me, I just think it's important to know the people you gave birth to your girlfriend. Why is that so fucking hard for you. I can't live in this thing where we are silent about how we feel. I'm tired of arguing and then making up with you and then we find something else to argue about again" she explained.

"You're tired of me" I said choking on my words. Then I felt anger. "If you're so tired you should just leave" I yelled. A tear escaped her eye. "Fine, if you don't want me here then I'll leave. Don't come running to find me either" y/n grabbed her phone and her bag.

"Y/n wait, I didn't mean that" I stood up and grabbed her arm. "Let go Florence" she yelled. "Baby I'm sorry, I was mad and it came out. You know I don't want you to leave"I felt bad.

"I don't want you to meet my parent just yet, because the last time I took someone over to them, they ruined everything and the person left me. They can be arrogant and cocky, especially my brother. Raffie loves you already, so there's not much to worry about with her. My parent know about us, it's just I'm scared that you'll leave me too, if I take you to see them" I admitted.

"Why couldn't you just tell me that from the beginning" y/n's expression softened. "Because I was scared" I admitted again. "Florence, just because that person left doesn't mean I will. I'm a big girl I know how to handle it if they go too far. That doesn't change my feelings towards you. You can talk to me" she reassured me. It felt nice to have someone like

"What did I do to deserve you" I asked and she smiled. "You told me you were a Harry Potter fan and wooed me over" she laughed and I laughed with her. "I'm pretty sure you were the one to put a spell on me" I pulled her close as we laughed.

"No I'm pretty sure it was you. You said Harry Potter the boy who lived has come to die and you did the Voldemort impression and fell on your butt. I laughed before helping you up and you asked me on a date" she said as I remembered the moment.

"I was so embarrassed, Scarlet picked about how red my cheeks were" I smiled. I pulled her into a kiss and it felt so nice to just have a nice moment with her.

"Let's go watch Harry Potter, shall we" I grabbed her hand and she gladly followed.

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