I love you most F.P

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Lying in bed, I stared at the brunette, who was sleeping peacefully beside me. It was our anniversary tomorrow and I had planned something for favorite green eyed girl.

She nuzzled closer to me, putting her head in my neck. " Y/n baby, it's time to wake up" I said softly making the girl groan and turn over, putting the covers over her head. "Angel please" I smiled to myself knowing she wouldn't be able to say no to that nickname.

" I hate you" she whined and sat up. The covers fell off her body and I slowly began to remember last night. Her bare shoulders and back sent shivers down my spine and warmth to my core.

She stood up and turned around to face me, revealing her jaw dropping figure. " Florence my eyes are up here" she laughed throwing a pillow at me. " have I ever told you how hot you were" I smirked admiring the singer who just so happened to be my girlfriend.

"Yes you have more than I can count" she laughed and tilted her head back giving me a good view of her sharp jawline. This girl was going to be the death of me.

"Well you're hot" I stood up and wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. " maybe we should take off more if I get to see this view every morning" I praised the slightly shorter girl.

"I'm going to take a shower and put some clothes on before we have round five" y/n chuckled to herself and walked in the bathroom closing the door.

As soon as she hopped in the shower, I began to pack her suitcase along with mine. After that, I went to the kitchen and made her some pancakes, her favorite and made sure I had everything ready. I ran to our room and hid the gift I had planned to give her. I opened the box revealing a shinny rose gold diamond ring, with our initials carved on the inside. I put it with the gift and she walked out the bathroom, always looking flawless.

" I have something to tell you" I said and she responded with a confused expression. "Okay" she sounded nervous. "Umm so you know how our anniversary is tomorrow, well I planned a three day trip to the mountains just me and you" I explained nervously waiting for her response.

" you planned a trip to the mountains. You remembered" she asked softly, I could tell she was not trying to cry. " I mean after a whole month of you begging me to take you, who wouldn't" I smile softly at the who tears began to fall down her face.

" don't cry pumpkin" I stood up and brushed the tears off her face. " I have to pack" she said still crying. " Already done and there's a surprise in the kitchen" I said with my usual smirk. " you go ahead of me, I have to grab something" y/n pushed me away.

" is it my gift" I questioned. " yes and if you want that gift, you better go in the kitchen and wait for me" her voice soft. She was hot. " don't take too long" I leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was rough, but I pulled away before it went any further.

I walked out and finished setting up the table. She walked in mouth wide. "You didn't" she ran to me. "I did" she pulled me into a hug. " I love you so much" she kissed my lips and I couldn't get enough.

She pulled away, but I was still in the moment. " I love you too" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to me. " you can't just kiss me like that and walk away" I leaned in this time an felt myself wanting to unpack my bags and go back to bed, but I wanted the weekend to go as planned.

I let go. She smiled and sat down. "What's got you in such a mood" she stuffed a pancake in her mouth. "I think it's the cold weather or maybe I find you really attractive and it's hard not to kiss you, and you in this outfit or maybe it's just the fact that you're glowing, I want to rip every piece of clothing off of you and have sex until I can't anymore" she almost spit out her food.

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