you can't be too careful

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We'd stopped at a hotel, and Alex and I were sitting the lobby. The other two guys were trying to get a couple rooms.

"Are you sure you're okay? You puked and passed out," he said. I didn't need him to go through the details. Especially since he wasn't conscious for some of it.

"I'm perfectly fine. I didn't even hit anything- you did!" I claimed. He gave me a weird look.

"There's a cut across your forehead," he said. He brought his finger out and traced it. I felt it sting, and I flinched back. I brought my own hand up to cover it.

"That didn't happen in the accident," I said.

"Yes it did. I heard your head hit the dashboard."

"So you're saying I don't remember?"

"I'm saying I wanna get you to a doctor. I didn't pass out Hayley, you did."

"You died!"

"No, I didn't. Look, we need to get you to the hospital," he said, then stood. He put his hand out for me to take, but I kept my hands by my sides. He moved his hand closer.

I finally took his hand, and he pulled me to my feet. The room spun as I stood, and I took my hand from Alex. I put it on my head, as if that would help. Alex caught me as I started to fall over.

"Whoa, let's go," He said. He helped me out to the car, and then he drove me to the ER.

After a lot of waiting and persuading, we got in to see the doctor. But we still had to wait a good forty-five minutes.

"Hayley, can you tell me what you remember?" The doctor asked. His head was tilted slightly in the way that doctor's do. One leg was on top of the other with the ankle resting by the knee.

"We went off the road, and I saw Alex hit the steering wheel. I went forward too, but I missed the dashboard. I was close, but I didn't hit it. I got out after that, and I puked on the ground. Alex came over and hugged me, and then I was searching for a different shirt. I looked back over and Alex had passed out," I recalled.

"Then, I brought him back inside the car. I called someone on his phone, and they said they'd trace the call. I got a headache, so I laid down and fell asleep," I finished. Alex was laughing a little bit. The doctor looked up at him.

"And you say that didn't happen?" He asked Alex. Alex nodded, and sat down on the bed next to me.

"She dreamed that up, I swear. We went off the road, and I hit the steering wheel, but she hit the dashboard. Hard. I looked over, and she was puking in the car. I unbuckled myself, and helped her sit up. There was the cut on her head, with a little bit of blood seeping out. I got out of the car, and came around to her side. I asked her if she had a headache, and she said no. I got back on the interstate, called my friends, and we met up at the next exit. One of my friends drove and the other looked after Hayley, who had passed out. Then we brought her here," Alex recounted. None of that sounded right. I wasn't the one who did the passing out, it was always him.

"You don't remember any of that?" The doctor asked me. I swallowed hard and shook my head. I looked at Alex with tears in my eyes. What was happening? Alex put his arm around me, and comforted me.

"Did you hit your head before then, recently, maybe?" He asked. I looked scared now. Alex told him about the hotel bathroom. I put my face in my hands. There was something wrong with my head.

The doctor said he was going to bring a nurse in to help him run some tests. We were left alone for a minute, and I felt like crying.

"It's probably just a tiny little head injury," Alex said. I knew he was trying to make it better, but he couldn't.

"A tiny little head injury is nothing to you, but it could be something huge for me, Alex," I said. Neither of us said anything else because we really didn't want to fight any more.

After all the tests and more shit, they admitted me. They wanted an overnight observation, so they took me away. I had to put on a hospital gown, and a nurse had to help me. I still got light-headed when standing.

They had to put all kinds of machines in the room, and I got hooked up to all of them. I laid down in the bed, and tried to relax. It seemed impossible though.

Alex was in my room as soon as he was allowed. He sat down on the bed, and I stayed laying. I didn't feel like moving.

"So who were those guys in the car?" I asked. I couldn't even remember enough to picture their faces. I knew they were probably back at that hotel, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Friends," was all Alex said. He seemed to drift off in his own mind as he thought about them. I took his hand, and held it. I wanted my head to stop hurting.

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