1|Connor Evans

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WARNING: I wrote this book when I was in 7th grade and my writing has improved a lot since then. The plot to this book is good but the wording and writing might suck a little sooo just a warning :-)

|Connor Evans|

"Hurry up, pick the lock," I whispered, my heart pounding with excitement with every passing minute.

I took my phone out of the pocket of my black, leather jacket and checked the time. It was 2:49 in the morning. I looked at all of my friends as we waited for Sarah to pick the lock. "Sarah, hurry your ass up before we get caught already!" I snapped in a whispered tone as I looked around to make sure no one was watching us.

"Alright, alright. Shut up, would you? Picking locks take time." She retorted. Growing impatient, I finally rolled my eyes and snatched the bobbing pin out of Sarah's hand. I stuck the pin in the lock and and unlocked it in a matter of seconds. I turned towards Sarah and rudely shoved the pin back in her hand. She scowled me and I carelessly shrugged my shoulders.

I turned around and smirked at my group of friends. "We're in."

"Yeah!" My friends cheered as we entered the huge house.

Breaking into an abandoned mansion and trashing the place was a typical thing my friends and I did. It's just the feeling of freedom you get when you can break an entering in the middle of the night and throw things around. I watched as my friends threw glasses, tissues, trash, and other stuff around the house. The loud sounds of broken glass and cheering filled the air and the reckless ambiance of the place gave me happiness.

Not including me, I have five other friends. Sarah is the only girl, along with Mark, Zack, Jake, and Ryan. The guys and I have known each other since the eight grade. Sarah moved here from Wisconsin in the tenth grade. She asked the be friends with us and we were a little tentative about having a girl tagging along with us, but after her impressive presentation of creating O's from cigarettes smoke, we happily let her in the group.

But now we're all seniors. School just started last week and I'm planning for this senior year to be the best year of my life. And this is the start; trashing an abandoned mansion.

"Connor! This is awesome. We should swing from the chandelier next." Jake said as he ran up to me with a glass in his hand. He chucked the glass across the room and it hit the wall and shattered into pieces.

I pointed at Jake. "Dude that's actually a good idea." I smirked and we made our way to the chandelier that was hanging in the living room.

But before we could even take two steps, a bright light interrupted us. "Everybody freeze!" Uh oh.


"Connor! You are so irresponsible! Didn't you even care to think that you were gonna get caught!" My mom yelled as we got into the car. It was currently 3:18 in the morning and my mom just picked me up from the California Central Jail Center. After the police found us breaking into the abandoned mansion, they escorted my friends and I to jail. And I had to call my mom- interrupting her from her beauty sleep, which is not a good sign- for her to come and pick me up. Zack and Sarah are still behind bars, in hopes of their parents coming to pick them up.

"Sorry mom," was all I had to say.

She turned towards me. "All you have to say for yourself is 'sorry mom'?" She said and I let out an irritated sigh. She shook her head. "You are so grounded." She muttered before starting up the car and driving off.

My mom was a lady in her mid-forties with long black hair, brown eyes and tan skin. Picking up her genes, I have black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin also. And as for my dad, he moved away two years ago. I'll never forgive him for what he did.

When we got home, my mom didn't utter another word to me and just went straight back to bed. My mom confiscated my phone in the car, so I might as well go to sleep too.

I took off my clothes and changed into a t-shirt and black basketball shorts. I got under my covers and slowly drifted to sleep.


NEW BOOK!!! Please vote, comment, and keep reading. This book is gonna be good. Trust and believe. Hope you guys enjoy please vote and comment so I can know what you guys think. Thanks everyone! Love ya!

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