16|fast food and flashback questions

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|Tori Anderson|

After that talk and long hug with Connor, I actually felt better. I still feel horrible about what happened, but the fact that Connor cares makes me feel good. But now, we've been sitting in his car for about twenty minutes and I heard my stomach growl. I turned towards Connor and weakly smiled. "I'm hungry."

"Where do you wanna go?" Connor asked, turning to key and starting up the car.

"Uh, Wendy's." I stated.

Connor nodded his head and drove to the nearest Wendy's. The drive-thru line, thankfully wasn't long so Connor pulled right up to the speaker and faced me. "What do you want?"

"Double cheeseburger, a large order of fries, a large chocolate frosty, and a large lemonade." Connor lifted an eyebrow at my order. "My mom has been cooking nothing but healthy foods for the past three weeks. Don't judge me." I said.

Connor shrugged and told the drive-thru lady my order. He ordered a chicken sandwich, fries, and coke for himself. After a little arguing, Connor paid for both of our meals, although I told him I could pay for mines myself. He parked his car in the parking lot and we ate out food in the car. "I have a question." I spoke.

"What is it?"

"How can you afford this mustang?" I asked him. This is one of the most expensive cars anyone at our school owns.

"I don't know. My mom's a lawyer, so she gets paid a lot." I nodded. "Uh, so you live in a foster home?" He asked.


"I know this is really personal and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what happened to your parents?" He asked.

"They died...when I was a couple months old."

"You miss them?" He asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. I've never really met them." Connor nodded. "What about you? What about your parents?"

"My mom lives with me...my dad left two years ago."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Oh...uh, some...reason." Connor said, looking down at his lap.

"Oh okay." I took a bite out my cheeseburger and my eyes rolled to back as I felt accomplished by eating this delicious burger after the weeks of healthy salads and meals. When I finished chewing the burger, I ate a couple of my fries and looked at Connor. "Connor," I called.


"Um...how'd you get those cuts and bruises on your left arm?" I blurted out. I really need to stop asking him that.

Connor sighed. "Would you stop asking me that?" He said, irritation clear in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I'm just curious I can't help it." I said.

"Well stop worrying about it." He said.

"Come on, Connor. What's so bad about it?"

"Tori, I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay. Sorry." I said.

Connor shrugged. "It's okay."

I sighed and took out my phone. I saw that the time was 3:50. "It's 3:50 so I guess I can go home now." I said.

"Alright." Connor drove me home and when we got there, he came inside.

"Are you waiting for something?" I asked, wondering why he wasn't leaving.

"You do know I we still have tutoring, right?" He reminded me.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."


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