17|pop quizzes

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I know the last chapter was in Tori's point of view, but I felt like this chapter would be better in her point of view too so, yeah. Okay.

|Tori Anderson|

I grabbed my bag and was about to exit the front door until my mom called my name. "Tori." She called out.

I turned around to face my mom, who was crossing her arms. I think I know where this is going. "Yes..." I cautiously said.

"Tell me why I got a call from one of you teachers yesterday saying you weren't at school," and there it goes. I squeezed my eyes shut as she continued to speak. "Because I know I saw you exit that door for school yesterday. So why weren't you at school?" She asked.

I sighed and opened my eyes. "I skipped." There was no point in lying.

My mom uncrossed her arms. "Tori. Why would you skip?" She asked.

"I just...I just needed a break." I said.

"Well I need a break from work sometimes, but do you think I can just skip work?" She asked.

"But mom I just-"

"We'll talk about this when you get home. I don't want you to be late for school. And actually go to school this time." She said.

"Alright." I turned around, went out the door, and got in my car. I drove to school and when I got there, I hesitantly and nervously opened the doors and went inside the school. Hm, shocker, there are no bright, neon green papers about me posted all around the hallways.

I walked down the hallways and thankfully no one was talking to me about it. I got a couple stares and points, but no one came up and said anything to me. When I got to my locker, I put my combination in, but I never got to finish putting it in due to Hailey running up to me and hugging me so tight that I could barely breath. "Tori, Tori are you alright." Hailey said.

"Yes Hailey. I'm fine. But I can't breath."

Hailey quickly released me. "Sorry." She apologized. "But Sarah and them are pieces of crap and I will personally shove my foot up their asses for doing that to you."

I laughed. "Thanks Hailey." I gave her one more hug before turning back towards my lockers and putting in the combination.

"Oh my gosh Tori. I just remember, yesterday, when Connor saw those papers, he went ape shit." Hailey smirked and I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"When Connor saw those papers, his face turned red, he was breathing hard, and he looked like he was ready to fight Sarah and them." She mentioned.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yup." Hailey nodded. Wow. Connor did all of that? I wonder why he's all of a sudden starting to care about me and stuff. The bell rung, and I closed my locker. Hailey and I walked to home room together. All we did in there was get on our phones. The next class I had was math, which I was not looking forward to. Connor said I was doing much better, but what if it's just another one of his tricks.

So I was definitely nervous when Mr. Walkers announced that we were having a pop quiz. I hate when teachers do this. When Mr. Walkers out the quiz on my desk, I looked at it and thankfully, it was multiple choice, but I was still nervous. I really need to pass this quiz. "Alright class, you may begin." Mr. Walkers announced.

I looked down at the quiz and saw that it has fifteen questions. And some of them were stuff that Connor and I had already covered. I looked back at Connor, who sat in the back of the room, and he was already engulfed in his quiz. I sighed and turned back around to face my paper.


"Alright do I have all the quizzes?" Mr. Walkers announced. "Alright I'll have these graded by the end of class. In the mean time, you guys can move around and talk. But don't get to loud while I'm grading these quizzes." Mr. Walkers sat in his desk chair and began grading the quizzes.

I picked up my pen off of my desk and out of boredom, I started drawing a star on my left wrist. "Tori," I jumped as I heard someone call my name. I looked to the right to see Connor siting in the desk beside me.

"Oh hey, Connor." I said, putting my pen back down on my desk.

"How do you think you did?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know... I guess I did a decent job." I honestly stated.

"I'm sure you did fine,"

I weakly smiled at Connor. "So um, I heard about how you went all ape shit after you saw the flyers and stuff..." I mentioned.

"Oh yeah," Connor.

"So, why'd you get all mad?" I asked. "I thought you didn't like, care about me."

Connor sighed. "Tori,"


"I think I might li-"

"Okay class! Go back to your original seats!" Mr. Walkers yelled, cutting of what Connor was about to say. I shrugged as Connor went back to his seat in the back of the classroom.

"Most of you did a pathetic job," Mr. Walkers mentioned. I hope I wasn't one of those people. "But some of you did an excellent job." Mr. Walkers slapped my quiz on my desk, facing it upside down.

I looked at it, my heart beating fast. I slowly grabbed the paper and flipped it over. A- was written at the top with a bright, red pen. I smiled as I looked at the grade I got. I got an A minus! This is the first A I've ever gotten for as long as I can remember. The bell rung and I got up, still smiling and walked out the door. "What'd you get?" Connor ran up to me and asked.

"I got an A minus!" I said, shoving the paper in Connors face.

Connor smirked. "I told you you would do fine."

"What'd you get?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter." He said.

I reached over and snatched his quiz out of his hand. "You got an A plus." I mentioned. "Why are you so ashamed of getting good grades?" I asked curiously.

Connor shrugged. "I don't know. It's whatever." He said, taking the quiz from my hands.


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