2|Tori Anderson

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|Tori Anderson|

"Tori, sweetheart, can you pick up a pizza on your way from school. I'm busy pinning nutritious recipes all day." My mom spoke over the phone; well she's my foster I mom, but she's been with me all my life and she's loved me and cared for me my whole life, so she's basically my mom.

I laughed. "You're pinning nutritious recipes, but you want me to pick up a greasy, unhealthy pizza?" I asked.

"Well...uh...just pick up the pizza." She said. You'd except my foster mom to be mean and evil, but no, this isn't one of those movies when the foster mom is always an evil-like witch. My foster mom loves me and I love her too. My parents died when I was only a couple months old. That's when I was taken to my foster home and have been living there for all my life. I don't remember anything about my parents, but it'd be nice if I remembered them just a little bit at least.

I laughed. "Will do. So how was you d-" I didn't get to finish my sentence due to the loud voices coming from the other side of the phone.

"HI TORI!!!" I smiled at the voices of my foster siblings yelling at me through the phone.

"Hey guys."

I have six foster siblings that are all younger than me. The youngest one is Quinn whose six years old. Then there's Jacob and Christy, who are eight-year-old-fraternal-twins. Then there's Harper who's ten years old, Gabriel who's twelve, and X'avier who's thirteen. I'm the oldest at eighteen years old. Although we're all foster kids, we treat and consider each other family. We are family.

"Oo, avocado and spinach salad. I gotta go, Tori. See you when you get home." My mom said.

"Alright bye." I hung up the phone and got out of my car (a silver Audi SUV). When I reached Papa Johns pizza place, I parked and got out of the car.

The hot California, summer weather instantly hit my skin and I winced at the unbelievably hot weather. I put my auburn-brown hair in a messy bun in hopes of cooling me off a little. I put my keys in my purse and entered the building. The lady at the front gave me a warm smile. "Hi, welcome Papa Johns. How may I help you?"

"Uh I'll have a large pepperoni pizza." I stated, takin out my wallet and pulling out a twenty.

"Large pepperoni!" The girl yelled to the people in the back before turning towards me and smiling again. "That'll be $11.75," she said. I handed her the twenty. "$8.25 is your change." She handed me my money and gave me the box of pizza. "Have a nice day."

"You too." I called out before leaving out and getting back into my car.


"That was de-li-cious." Harper said, rubbing her stomach with her hands.

"Yeah well tomorrow we're having a nice dinner of avocado and spinach salad." Mom smiled at us.

"Eww." We all said in unison.

"Oh you kids need these healthy meals." She said getting up and putting her plate in the sink.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to my room to do some homework, mom." I said.


I walked up the stairs and into my room. I plopped on my bed, unzipped my book bag and took out my math text book. I slowly and nervously opened the book to page 87 and looked at the first problem. I slowly and carefully wrote my name on the paper and looked back at the question. I squinted my eyes and tried to slowly read it. I was doing good until, of course, the stupid words got jumbled up. "Ugh!!!" I groaned and threw my pencil across my room and watched it hit the wall.

I've had stupid dyslexia for as long as I can remember. I hate it. I'm a senior in high school and I can barely read without getting the words mixed up. It's pathetic. I hate it. I get so frustrated when I try to read and the words jumble up and I can't finish. I shouldn't have to live life like this. I can read some things without a problem, but most things, I can't. I just wish this dumb disorder would disappear.

I sighed. Deciding to just give up on homework, I got up and changed into my pajamas...which is a pair of purple footie pajamas my mom gave me for Christmas last year. I hate wearing them, but I have to wear them sometimes to make my mom feel good. But I'm eighteen years old. What do you think I look like wearing footie pajamas? It's embarrassing.

I went downstairs for another slice of pizza. I warmed up a slice and turned back around to go to my room. But before I could even take one step, I was bombarded with flashing lights. "Smile, Tori!" Then I see Gabriel and Quinn with they're iPhones, taking pictures of me...in my footies. Gabriel and Quinn giggled before running up the stairs.

"Ugh! You little brats better delete those pictures or I will...or I will...you better delete those pictures!" I yelled up the stairs.

All I got in response was silence. I growled something incoherent under my breath before walking up the stairs. I ate my pizza, brushed my teeth and went to bed. Today was a long enough day.


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