27|new date

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|Tori Anderson|

When the school bell finally rang, I grabbed my books and stormed out of chemistry class. I was so glad to get out of that freaking class. The chemistry teacher decided to switch Hailey as my lab partner and now my lab partner is this creepy ass girl with blue hair who only wears black clothes and stares at me all day. It's really creepy.

I made my way to the cafeteria and when I looked in the lunch line to see that we were having leftover nachos again I decided to skip lunch. I'm pretty sure those nachos aren't even healthy anymore.

I sat across from Hailey, who also skipped lunch. For a couple of minutes, we talked about random stuff. "I gotta use the restroom." Hailey said as she got up from the table and walked out of the cafeteria.

I sighed and put my elbow on the table and rested my head in my left hand. I started humming a Nirvana song and I was just about to kill the chorus when someone tapped on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

I turned around to see Rigly Walter standing in front of me. Rigly had golden blonde hair and hazel eyes. He had a body like he worked out every single day and it took a whole lot of effort for my eyes not to drift down to his abs. Rigly was also a genius. He's won all of the science fairs at school. So basically Rigly is a freaking Golden Boy. The only bad thing about him is his embarrassing name. Rigly, it also took a lot of effort for me not to bust out laughing in front of his face. Rigly sat in the seat next to me and I looked at him, wondering if he was going to say anything.

"What do you want?" I asked, surprised at how confident I sounded when I said that.

Rigly grinned at me. "I just came over here to ask you something." He informed. I looked at him and waited for him to ask me whatever he was about to ask. "So I've never really noticed you around school," that's a shocker. "Well until those papers about your dyslexia got around the whole school."

I instantly wanted to pound his fucking face in for bringing up that topic. "Why are you telling me this?" I asked him, I asked, uninterested in what he was saying.

"Oh yeah. So after that happened, I realized that you're really pretty and your like a nice girl. So uh, do you wanna go to the Fall Formal Dance with me?" He asked.

I was taken back by what he asked me. "Oh, uh...sure, I guess." I simply replied.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I confirmed, but it came out sounding like a question.

"Cool, so I should pick you up at eight next Saturday?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess." I said.

"Okay. Well uh, see you then." He said, getting up and walking back to his normal table.

I faced the front and stared at nothing in particular, trying to process what just happened. I shrugged my shoulders. I guess I'm going to the dance with Rigly.

Ha! I'm going to the dance with Rigly. Fuck Connor. Cuz I'm going to the dance with Rigly. I still kind of don't wanna go to this dance because I still believe there's gonna be cheap decorations, horrible food, and bad music. But I guess it'll be fun. I'm still wearing my black dress though...

Man what the hell is taking Hailey so long in the bathroom?

As if on cue, Hailey came in the cafeteria and sat down in her seat. "Hailey... Rigly just asked me to the dance." I told her.

Hailey gasped and put a huge smile on her face. "I knew you two were perfect for each other. I know how to match make." She said.

I scoffed at Hailey. "Says the one who had a lying, dimwitted boyfriend." I said, reminded Hailey of Josh.

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