15|you don't know me

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|Connor Evans|

I got out of my black mustang and walked towards the school entrance. I went through the doors and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw what was going on in the hallway.

Everyone in the hallway was laughing at something. I landed my eyes on some blonde girl- I think her name is Hailey- who was holding a neon green flyer in her hand as she shook her head in disapproval. I walked over to Hailey. "What is that? What's going on?" I asked her.

She looked up at me and scowled at me. She grabbed me by the shirt and scrunched my shirt up in her hand. "I swear if you had anything to do with this I will—"

"Woah! What are you talking about?" I asked, pushing her hand away and straightening my shirt.

"I'm talking about this." She handed me the neon green paper in her hand. I furrowed my eyebrows as I read the flyer.

The first thing I noticed was a black and white picture of Tori in the middle of the paper. And at the top of the paper, in big black and white letters it read: "Did ANY of you know Little Miss Princess had dyslexia?! Oh of course not, because no one in the school even knows who she is!"

I scowled at the paper, balled it up and threw it on the floor. I walked past Hailey and down the main hallway where I saw a whole bunch of the neon green flyers posted all over the walls. I gritted my teeth and scanned the hallway until I saw Sarah, Mark, Zack, Jake, and Ryan, who were all taking pictures of the flyers. "These are so going on Instagram." Mark said as he continued to snap pictures of the papers.

I walked up to Mark. "Post those on Instagram, and I will beat your ass, Mark." I said.

"Connor, chill. It's just a harmless joke." Jake said, laughing afterwards.

I snatched one of the papers off the wall. "This isn't harmless neither is it a joke. What the hell were you guys thinking?"

"We were thinking little miss princess needed to be seen around school a little more since she was practically invisible," Sarah laughed. "Now everyone in the school knows her."

"First of all, stop calling her that. Second of all, this isn't funny. She didn't want anyone to know she had dyslexia. You guys probably ruined her whole life now."

I rubbed my forehead in frustration. "Why do you care, Connor. I thought she meant nothing to you." Zack said.

That was a question I was trying to figure out for myself. Why did I care? Maybe Tori doesn't mean nothing to me, maybe she means something. Pushing that thought to the side, I shook my head, and walked back to where Hailey had been standing a while ago. "Where's Tori?" I asked her.

"I don't know she ran off that way." Hailey pointed left and I started walking to the left. I walked down the hallway and I was about to turn the corner until I saw Tori sitting outside with her back against the wall and her face in her hands. I shook my head and went out the door.

"Tori," I called out.

"Leave me alone, Connor." She called out. How'd she even know it was me?


"I'm gonna say one more time to leave me alone." She warned.

"Not until you talk to me." I walked near her and sat next to her with back against the wall.

"Talk about what, Connor!?" Tori lifted her face from her hands to reveal her tears and red eyes. And to my surprised, I felt like I was stabbed in the gut when I saw her face. "Talk about how I was just literally humiliated? Talk about how my biggest and most embarrassing secret was just revealed to the entire school? Yeah, well I don't want to talk about it. And if you're here to say something mean or say something smart, then I don't want to hear it."

"I'm not here to say anything mean." I said.

"Then why are you here?" She asked.

"...I don't know I—"

"Leave me alone!"

"Tori don't worry about them. They—they do stuff like this." I said.

Tori shook her head. "What did I do to them, Connor? What did I do to deserve this?"

"You didn't do anything. Their probably just mad because I don't spend that much time with them anymore and when we went to Sarah's birthday party, she was mad because you demanded to leave early." I explained. Tori shook her head again as more tears fell from her eyes. "Stop crying. Everything's gonna be fine."

"You don't know that!" She yelled. "Just like you said about my sister and her cancer. You don't know if she's gonna be fine or not! And you don't know if this is gonna be fine or not. This stupid dyslexia has been taking over my life for as long as I can remember. And now the entire school knows I have this disorder!" She yelled. I stared at Tori and saw the utter pain in her eyes as she talked.

"Tori I—"

"Connor you don't know me. You have no idea what it's like to be me." Tori said as she got up and walked away from me. But I quickly got up and ran after her. I grabbed her by the risk and she turned around to face me. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. Seconds later, Tori wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. Her tears were getting all over my shirt but I didn't seem to care.

And I don't know where all the mushy feelings came from but all I wanted to do was...hug Tori...as a friend...I think. Yeah...as a friend.

Tori and I just stood there hugging for about a whole twenty seconds. I pulled away and looked in her eyes which weren't so red anymore and you could see her brown eyes better. "Thanks for...that." Tori said. One more tear drop feel from her eye and I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped the tear from her face. She weakly smiled at me.

"You alright now?" I asked?

Tori shrugged. "Yeah, alittle bit. Thanks," She said quietly. Tori looked through the glass door into the school. "I don't think I wanna go back in there though,"

I shrugged. "So don't,"

Tori hook her head. "But, I can't just ditch school."

"Yes you can. All you have to is walk that way." I pointed behind her.

"Nah I don't think I can— hey!" She said when I grabbed her by the wrist and walked away from the school, towards the parking lot.

"No, Connor. I can't ditch school." She debated.

"You can and you will." I said.

Tori rolled her eyes. When we got to the parking lot, I dragged Tori to my car. She got in the passenger seat and I got in the drivers side. I faced Tori. "So what now?"

Tori shrugged. "I don't know,"

"You...wanna go somewhere or something."

Tori shook her head. "Nah, I'd rather just sit here."

"All day?"

"Yep," She faced the window, looked out of it for a few seconds, then faced me. "So are we like, friends now or something?"

I sighed. "Yeah, we are."


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