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"How did you...." I muttered, finally in a secluded hut. "That's not important right now, all that matters is that you're safe," he said with a smile, finally putting me down on the bed in the middle of it. No matter what I wanted to say or ask, nothing came out, simply watching his back as he checked the area. "What about Jisung? And the other two?" I finally asked him. "Are they okay?" He hummed, not looking back. "I dropped him off with Hyunjin and Jeongin. Not sure what happened between those two, but they're all safe. We found a fresh water lake, and the other two found some things to eat. I hummed again, currently more greatful than ever, no matter what history we had. "Thanks Chan. For getting me out of there."

He finally turned around, looking at me with a painful smile. "It's the least I could do. I think we should be good to go if we start running now. They don't have any guns or anything, and before they even notice us running and spun their bows we should have made it out already. He came up closer, his hand slightly holding up one of my legs. "You're not injured are you?" I shook my head, feeling his fingertips graze over my leg as he slowly lowered it again.

"Then we should probably get going now, before they get too suspicious." He lifted his hand, now holding mine in it, already pulling me along with him to the front of it. "Wait, what about Minho and Changbin?" I asked, pausing shortly. "They'll manage for a little longer, there's no time to come for them now. We'll make up another plan when we get back to safety. He pulled harder, now actually pulling me outside. "We can't leave them here!" I yelled at him, my feet barely keeping up with the tempo. "He'll kill them as soon as he realizes I'm gone!"

"There she is!" a voice suddenly shouted, making Chan curse. "Come on, we have to hurry!" Chan shouted back, but my eyes only stayed focused on the hut Minho and Changbin were in, already watching the two brought out with spears against their backs, held by two men each to keep them from running away. "Chan, they'll die!" I yelled again, but nothing was getting through to him, only focused on his goal to get out of here. I let out a scream, pulling my hand back, out of Chan's grip, as I ran back to the other two boys, the tears already flowing down my face.

No matter what torture I would have to go through, my freedom couldn't be worth more than their lives right now. We'd find another way out. Chan already managed to get in here once, he'd think of something again. But I couldn't handle having another death on my conscious, let alone two more. No matter the fear taking over me, everything in me just wanting to go with Chan, my feet were moving on it's own, throwing myself on the first guy I saw, who was holding his spear against Minho's back.

It was futile, and I know it was useless, as soon a dozen more men were running towards us, but I just kept on screaming, trying to hit my way out of it all, pushing my way through the crowd. There was nothing left for me to stay for anyways, and I wasn't going to let them die just to get out or misery temporarily. It didn't take long for at least three of them to pin me down completely, hitting my head, slowly making me lose my consciousness. Please, don't let them die...


"Chan, you're back!" Jeongin shouted immediately, his hopeful smile dropping as soon as he saw Chan on his own, looking more beat than even before. "Please, don't tell me..." Jeongin's voice broke, the colour draining from his face. "Fuck!" Chan yelled, all his frustration finally coming out. "Don't just stand there, what the hell happened!" Hyunjin joined in. "If she'd just come with," Chan spat out, his hands running through his hair."

"That doesn't matter, where is she! Is she alive?" Hyunjin continued instantly. "And what about Minho and Changbin?" Jeongin added, Jisung's ears perking up as soon as he heard his brother's name. "I think so. I don't even know what happened, it all went so fast. One second she's right behind me, and the next she's gone off to those two. If I had stopped too I would have fallen into their hands for sure this time. There's so many more of them than we encountered so far, we're completely fucked!"

"You're our leader, come up with a plan!" Jisung interjected. "We have to get Minho out of there, what if they hurt him!" Chan let out a frustrated groan, pacing around. "Easier said than done! We already got lucky we were able to get away from those guys, but this looked like a whole organization. There's no way we can win by force." Hyunjin sighed, walking in the direction Chan had just come through. "Then you stay behind, I'm not leaving her there."

Jeongin quickly sprinted up to him, pulling on Hyunjin's arm to make him look back. "There's no way you're going out there on your own." Though it wasn't exactly clear what reasoning was behind his words, concern for Hyunjin himself probably wasn't one of them. "You two, if you're going right now you're walking into your death. If you could just give me a little more time I'll think of something, anything. But for now, for the love of God, just don't do anything dumb," Chan commanded them, finally able to get the two to reason, all sitting down around the campfire.

And though maybe they weren't killed by the tribe, they didn't need any dangers from outside right now. In this state, they were perfectly capabele to kill amongst themselves.

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