Void ~ Ch18

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3rd Point Of View

Flashback - 3 years ago

Gojo sat patiently on the nearest park bench, calmly. His head was leaned back as he hummed a quiet tune to himself, waiting for (Y/n) to finish exorcising the 1st grade curse- the curse that they were actually supposed to be exorcising together. It wasn't untill he head her footsteps nearing closer in his direction that he finally lifted his head, cracking his neck as he did.

"Is it just me or are cursed spirits getting easier to exorcise?" Satoru smirked teasingly, his arms outstretched over the back of the park bench as (Y/n) stood in front of him. She offered him and unimpressed look, crossing her arms over her chest with a glare.
"With you sitting on your ass all day and make me do all the work? Yeah, I'd imagine so." She glared bitterly, making him chuckle as he stood to his feet and began dusting his trousers down.

"Oh, come on. Your domain expansion just makes missions so damn easy. Why fight when I have you?" Satoru asked with a playful grin, making (Y/n) glare at him venomously- almost burning holes through the back of his head.
"See- what I'm hearing is that you enjoy using me to make your life easier." (Y/n) retorted sarcastically.
"Well, in my experience, I've learned that some women enjoy being used. It's a great turn on apparen-" (Y/n) cut Satoru off by slapping his chest, making the man giggle and attempt to block her hits with the back of his arms.

"(Y/n)! You know I love you right?" The man teased, making kissy faces at the girl as she eased her hits. She rolled her eyes at him before adjusting his clothes that she ruffled while hitting him.
"Yeah, yeah." She said, a small smile growing across her lips. Once Satoru's clothing bad been properly straightened out, they began walking towards the park exit. They made plans to go get some food after the mission.

"Your domain expansion is pleasantly terrifying, you know." Satoru quipped teasing, remembering that just a few moments ago the girl had used her power to bring up from what looked like the depths of hell, the mouth of a titan. It's teeth were black, darkness dripping off it's lips like smoke. Gojo had to look away when it swallowed the grade 1 curse like it was a gulp of the finest water.

"How would you know? You've never been in it?" The girl retorted with a short laugh. Most people assumed her domain expansion was the beast that tore through the ground to gobble up her enemies. But it was actually where that beast resided that was her true domain.
"No, but if it's half as bad as the guardian then I'm going to go on a win here and say it's the definition of terror." Gojo joked.

"Kai? He's harmless to you. He'll only hurt you if I will it." The girl told him, making Gojo choke on air.
"You gave it a name?!" Satoru exclaimed with disbelief, horror in his eyes.
"Yeah. He's always helping us out, so I thought he deserved one." (Y/n) replied innocently, Gojo sighing in response before petting her head like a child.
"You pure, sweet, little soul." Satoru mumbled, (Y/n)'s gaze once again hardening into another glare as she nudged him roughly with her shoulder.

Satoru laughed again, pulling the girl closer to him by her shoulder, walking with an arm draped around her now.
"Hey... what's your domain like on the inside? You know, after Kai drags you in and traumatises you." Gojo then asked curiously, already used to the guardians new name. It didn't suit a beast like him at all, and a cute name like that stupidly allowed him to fear him just a tad less than he did ten minutes ago.

"You know what it's like..." (Y/n) replied with a nervous laugh, sensing the new direction of this conversation.
"Not really. You've only told me that it sucks a curse's life force once they're inside untill it dies. But surely there's more to it? What's actually in there?" Gojo asked curiously. He never was usually this curious about (Y/n)'s domain. But lately, he's come to realise that his lack of curiousity meant that he didn't know much about her strongest technique at all.

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