Missing ~ Ch33

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3rd Point Of View

It was late evening and the Geto estate was slowly filling with people as everyone returned after running their own errands. When Hanami and Choso had returned, everyone but Jogo and (Y/n) were gathered in the living room, playing Shogi extremely competitively. Suguru and Eso were sat on the couch, everyone else sat on small stools or on the floor around the coffee table.

"Welcome back!" Suguru greeted to Choso and Hanami with a smile as they both walked into the living room.
"How was your walk?" Suguru asked, putting a single finger up to quieten down the curses sat around the table.
"It was comforting. We enjoyed ourselves." Hanami replied gently as he took a seat on the floor beside Mahito.

Choso nodded in agreement, not speaking up himself, too busy flickering his eyes around the room in search for (Y/n). He instantly realised she was not there, making him wonder if she decided to spend some time alon in her room.
"Did...(Y/n) happen to join you?" Suguru then hesitantly asked, making Choso's eyes snap to look up at him.

"No, she did not." Choso replied truthfully, wondering why he would ask that. Suguru sighed, leaning back into the sofa with defeat, gnawing at his lip.
"I see." The man mumbled to himself.
"Why?" Choso asked him, his eyes narrowing on the man. It almost sounded as if he had no idea where his sister was- and that scared Choso.

"Well, it's getting quite late and she has yet to return home yet." Suguru hummed out. Choso's eyes flickered with suprise, concern eating away at his throat.
"I do not understand. She departed to complete her mission hours ago. Do you mean to say that she's been missing for half a day?" Choso asked slowly, attempting to ignore the anger bubbling up inside him.

"Yes. I'm beginning to get worried." Geto muttered with a loud sigh.
"Has anyone tried to look for her?" Choso asked Geto through gritted teeth.
"No, not yet. I thought I'd wait until you and Hanami return before I sent someone out." Suguru said casually, making Choso angrier. Why did it almost seem like he didn't even care?

"I will retrieve her myself." Choso said gruffly as he turned on his heel and headed towards the door, without waiting for permission from Suguru.
"Don't you want to know where she was last-" Choso cut Geto off.
"I will find her." Choso replied sternly before warping away. Yes, he understood it probably would have been easier to get an address but he was worried that the anger bubbling inside his chest would explode if he spent another moment in Geto Suguru's presence.

Choso warped to where he felt the strongest surges of (Y/n)'s cursed energy lingering in the air. He ended up in a high-end neighbourhood, in the middle of the street. Her cursed energy was weak here, it having faded since this morning when she had probably warped here. There wasn't any trail of cursed energy after that that Choso could feel, confirming that this was the most recent place that she had used her cursed energy. Either she'd been walking everywhere today after this one warp and had not been fighting, or simply hid her cursed energy traces after this.

Choso began walking forward, his eye flickering left to right for any sort of hints as to where (Y/n) could have gone. That was when he noticed a black weed sticking out of the ground. Darkness spilled around it like floating ink, making Choso stop walking, staring down at it. It had its own kind of cursed energy- similar to (Y/n)'s yet so different. It was then that he realised the resemblance it held to the guardian to (Y/n)'s domain expansion.

"Your name is Kai, correct?" Choso asked to the weed, bending down to it's height. In that moment, he hoped it really was Kai- or else he'd just be talking to a very odd looking weed. The black weed did not answer in words, but instead released a tense wave of dark cursed energy. Choso took that as a yes. The worry gnawing at his chest instantly died down the moment he realised that if Kai was here, (Y/n) must be too.
"Then...is (Y/n) there? With you?" Choso asked again, making Kai release another wave of cursed energy. Another yes, he took it.

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