One Exception ~ Ch27

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

After my talk with Choso, he went back to his room to change his clothes. I used that time to wash up before making everyone breakfast. I made an American style breakfast, which had always been everyone's favourite. Once the food was ready and the smell had wafted through the halls, one by one everyone walked into the kitchen and took a seat infront of the island counter where their plates were laid out.

I watched contently as they all ate their food, packing up Suguru's meal because he never usually came downstairs until about an hour after I had cooked, always settling finer decisions of the day before he allowed himself to eat.
"Do you three like the food?" I asked the three brothers, knowing that they have never tasted my take on an American style breakfast. I wondered if they liked it as much as the rest of the household did.

"It was delectable as always, Miss Geto." Eso told me gently with a smile.
"Yes, I think so too." Choso added huskily, making me grin happily.
"Thank you- and again, Eso. You don't need to call me that. (Y/n) is fine." I reassured him for the hundredth time.
"I'll do my best to remember that." Eso replied with an understanding nod.

"And you, Kechizu? Did you like the food? I gave you more meat like you asked for yesterday." I asked hopefully, Kechizu being the one that usually had a problem with my food. It's not that he didn't like it- more that it didn't include the kind of protein that he enjoyed.
"Yeah! It was yummy! Very yummy! Yummy!" He yelled enthusiastically, making me giggle at his loudness. Out of the three brothers, it was no doubt to me that Kechizu was the youngest.

"Alright, that's a relief." I smiled happily. My eyes then flickered towards the curse sitting on the far left, tiredly hunched over the table as he slowly manoeuvred his fork into his mouth. But before Mahito could part his lips, the sausage fell off the fork. I sighed as the curse croaked out some sort of cry, still unable to talk or move properly since I'd stolen his life force. He was only sitting on his chair because I convinced Hanami to drag him up there.

"I'll give you back your life force if you promise to stop meddling, Mahito." I then told the curse with a sigh, crossing my arms over his chest. His eyes slowly widened with suprise before he began mumbling noises that sounded like some sort of a promise to me, making me sigh again and activate my cursed energy. I then placed a hand on his arm.
"Life desorption technique: Exhale." I mumbled, giving back every drop of his life that I stole earlier.

It took a few seconds for Mahito to turn back to normal, his pale skin no longer holding that sick sweaty look and his eyes becoming full of life and energy.
"Holy shit! I'm back!" Mahito then exclaimed loudly, yelling and laughing like a maniac as he jumped up from his seat and began running around the living room. I pursed my lips, already regrettimg decision as the curse jumped over the couch with a loud laugh.

"Yippee!" He yelled, zooming around the room like a little bumblebee before leaving the room entirely.
"He better come back and eat his food." I grumbled to myself as I watched him leave, pulling his place back and placing it neatly in the centre of the table.
"Now, I have made plans with Jogo for this morning. So, I should get going." Eso announced, pushing his empty plate away from him.

"Goodbye, brother." Choso told him.
"Byebye! Bye!" Kechizu called out enthusiastically, waving his arm.
"Yes, farewell, brothers. Goodbye, Miss (Y/n)." Eso smiled as he stood up.
"Bye, Eso." I smiled, pulling back his plate as he spun around and began walking away. That's when I made the mistake of glancing up as he left, his back facing me in all its glory, two red blooshot eyes narrowing in on my own.

His back wasn't anything like I imagined. I honestly thought it was covered in scars or warts. I hadn't expected to see an actual face, teeth and all. My eyes widened in realisation, immediately snapping my eyes to Choso who looked as terrified as I did. This might be the first moment that I've ever seen Choso look so scared. I looked back at Eso who still walked, hoped that he wouldn't realise his mistake, but the moment he stopped walking, I knew it was over.

Eso snapped back around with wide eyes, his lips parted with shock.
"You...just saw my back." He accused slowly, still attempting to process his mistake. I then shook my head in denial with a quiet, nervous gulp.
"No, I was looking your plate." I replied nervously, my eyes flickering to his plate that was in my hands. I hoped he'd buy the lie, but I was too freaked out to be able to tell.

"Your wide eyes show a hint of nervousness. You would not be nervous unless you saw my back." Eso told me, his features stone cold as he took a step closer to me, making me pale. I didn't have time to reply to him, his cursed energy activating as he took another step closer. That's when Choso stood up, his chair screeching across the floor.
"Brother, you'd be wise to plan your next move carefully." Choso warned, his voice hard and rigid, clearly fighting nervousness.

"Brother, she saw my back. You know that I must kill anyone who sees my back." Eso reasoned, glaring at me. Choso took a few steps forward, standing in front of his brother and blocking his view of me.
"Not. Her." Choso seethed through clenched teeth, suprising me.
"Brother, I will not make any exceptions...Miss (Y/n) must die." He announced.

"I forbid it." Choso growled angrily.
"You mean to tell me that you are so passionate about protecting her that you'd go against me, brother?" Eso asked with a suprised tone, as if this were the first time this has ever happened to the two of them. Kechizu looked between them nervously, shrinking into a small ball.
"I will not repeat myself." Choso glared. I gulped again, my eyes flickering between them both- tension in the air.

"You've never acted this way before, brother. You've always allowed me to kill anyone and everyone who has set sight on my back." Eso told him, his statement sounding more like a question.
"I have, and I will continue to- with everyone but her." Choso emphasized, making Eso clench his teeth angrily. We all stood in tense silence for a few minutes, Eso's eyes flickering between mine and Choso's.

"Then...I will make her my one exception, brother- only because you feel so strongly about this." Eso finally agreed, not sounding happy about his own decision. But it was clear he valued his brother more than a single kill.
"And I thank you, brother." Choso nodded. I could see the way his body relaxed at Eso's words, feeling his cursed energy deactivate.

"Eso, for what it's worth...your back is nothing to be insecure about." I decided to tell him, making his eyes snap to mine quickly- waiting for me to say something that would justify him killing me within the next two seconds.
"Incase you haven't noticed, I'm surrounded everyday by curse users and curses that my brother has aligned himself with. Beauty standards do not exist among curses- or even half-curses, in your case." I began softly, his eyes watching me.

"And if you think about it, the thing you deem as your flaw just so happens to be centre of your power- and power? Power is beautiful, not ugly." I told him with a soft smile. The man pauses as if he were thinking over on my words.
"I...never thought about it like that." Eso admitted to me, looking down at his feet.
"Eso! Are you ready to go?!" Jogo called out from another room in the house.
"Yes, just a moment." Eso replied to him.

"Have a good day...(Y/n)-san." The half-curse bidded to me softly.
"You too, Eso." I smiled, watching as he then turned around and began walking away. My eyes widened, seeing him show me his back so easily.
"Choso... he's showing me his back- willingly!" I whisper-yelled with shock, making Choso smile softly and say,

"You are now family."

(A.N ~ Vote & Comment! I love you guys!)

Chapter 28 Quote Teaser :

"For a second there, I was worried...worried that I'd have to chose between you and my brother. That would be worse than exorcism."

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