Feelings ~ Ch22

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(Y/n)'s Point Of View

"Hey, are you excited for your outing with your brothers later?" I asked Choso cheerfully as I sat down on the sofa beside him, my brother having given up his spot when he left the room.
"I guess." Choso replied, making my brows furrow with confusion.
"You aren't excited?" I asked him with a frown.

This was the first time that Geto was allowing all three of them to go out together, under his and Mahito's cateful supervision. He knew how rowdy they could all get when in each others presence. And while Geto was not against any of them killing any humans, there was a limit to how many he could pass off as random deaths before a murder investigation began.

"I guess so." Choso repeated dully, making (Y/n) tilt her head with a sigh.
"One day I'm going to get some sort of emotion out of you." I promised, determination glittering in my eyes.
"Emotion?" Choso asked baffledly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly.
"What? You don't know what emotions are, Robot-san?" I teased, making him more confused.

"Robot?..." He asked me, blinking slowly with confusion, making me sigh loudly.
"Nevermind." I mumbled quietly, deflating against the sofa tiredly. That's when I realised that I still had his scarf on, making me quickly sit up again so that I could unwrap it from my neck.
"Oh! Here's you scarf back by the way- and I'm sorry about what you had to witness earlier when Mahito stole it." I apologised sheepishly as I held out the scarf to him.

"You took him into your domain expansion." Choso commented, making me nod in agreement.
"I did. He deserved it, though- always touching things that aren't his." I muttered bitterly, before forcing myself to let the feeling go. I then held the scarf out again so he could take it from me but to my suprise, he did not reach out to grab it.

"Keep it." Choso suddenly said, barely glancing at me or the scarf. My eyes widened, shock coursing through me.
"Keep it? You can't be serious." I asked him with a suprised tone.
"Is this about Mahito? I can wash the scarf for you if you'd like? His germs will come right off-" Choso then cut me off.
"No, that's not why I'd like you to have it." Choso told me.

"Then why?" I asked him softly.
"It matches your eyes." Choso said simply, motioning to my purple tinted eyes. If I weren't so flustered, I would have commented that his eyes had hints of purple too- but like I said, I was too flustered for my words to make sense right now, my cheeks hot and blushed.
"M-my eyes?" I stuttered out shyly, gulping as he nodded.

"Yes. I also made a promise to set a gentleman's example. I'd like to keep that promise." He added stoically, making it hard for me to tell what it was he was feeling right now. I chuckled softly as I thought about his words from earlier, smiling softly with glee.
"You're still set on reviving chivalry, huh?" I grinned playfully.
"Single handedly." The man replied back, completely serious yet I couldn't help but giggle. His serious expression made it obvious that he wasn't telling a joke but that only made it funnier to me.

"Thank you, Choso." I told him softly, holding his scarf to my chest with a smile. He nodded in response before standing up and joining his brothers who were already outside in preparation. I watched him leave with a small sigh. Everything about him was so mysterious. It made me want to learn more- and then when I learned more, I wanted to see him smile. That was my ultimate goal- to see Choso smile.

I chose to ignore Mahito's presence behind me as he leaned his arms on the sofa, simply watching Choso converse with his brothers. Even with them, he didn't talk much, always listening.
"I think someone's got a little crush on a certain cursed womb spiri-" I cut Mahito's teasing observation off quickly.
"Finish that sentence and I will shove you right back in my domain. Suguru's not here to bargain for your freedom anymore." I hissed, glaring at the curse that only giggled beside me.

The curse took a step away from me, teasingly dragging a finger across his lips as if he were zipping his lips shut. I sighed, seeing that he was going to let it go, relaxing back into my seat.
"But for the record, I think he likes you t-" Before Mahito could finish his sentence, I had already activated my cursed energy and made a few hand signals.
"Domain expansion: Death trap." I growled, making the curse's eyes widen.
"No, wait- I'm sorry! Plea-" His words were cut off as Kai ripped though the floorboards, in the shape of a giant fist. He grabbed around Mahito and pulled him roughly into the ground, his screams becoming more and more distance the further away he got.

I sighed with content as I leaned back into my seat, no more annoying little curses telling me who I may or may not have a crush on anymore. Before I could put my arms leisurely behind my head, a seething Suguru stepped into the room.
"(Y/n), what was that scream?" Suguru asked through clenched teeth, already knowing the answer. I shrugged.
"I'm not sure what you mean, big brother." I replied innocently with a smile.

"Where's Mahito?" Geto then asked, his eyes scanning the empty room.
"Running errands, I believe." I lied with a smile, shrugging nonchalantly. Suguru stared at me with a hard gaze, in which I returned with a gaze that was innocent but just as intense. We stared into each others souls for what felt like minutes.
"Let him out." Geto finally said, making me groan loudly with frustration.
"Fine." I hissed, activating my cursed energy begrudgingly.

But if he tells anyone about the teenie tiny feelings that I may or may not have for Choso, I'll have to exorcise him.

(A.N ~ Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you guys have any thing that you want to see happen! Or if you have any theories or guesses on what could happen? I love reading those!)

Chapter 24 Quote Teaser :

"Fuck, shit-fuck! What's he doing here?"

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