Calamity ~ Ch44

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Double update, so if you didn't get the first notification then go back a chapter!

3rd Point Of View

After Choso offered (Y/n) that bouquet of flowers, he asked her if she'd be willing to spend some time in the park with him. She agreed immediately, still blushing and shy after his confession that he wished to court her. Choso was thrilled that she was allowing him to pursue her, but it was hard to enjoy it when his head was in two different places. His thoughts were running wild in his mind and so he wanted to distract himself with (Y/n) in a different setting- one with more overwhelming factors, more noise.

Earlier, after Choso had finished threatening Jogo, he'd spent some time alone in that forest thinking. By the end of it, he decided not to tell (Y/n) about her brother's betrayal. And though he felt guilty for hiding this, it also just felt like the right thing to do. But also, Choso just simply could not bare the thought of her leaving him. He knew it was a slim chance, but as long as that chance was over 1%, he refused risk losing the first girl he'd ever fallen for.

In that forest, Choso decided that he'd protect (Y/n) from the shadows, protecting her from her brother and anyone else that may try something against her. She didn't have to know and she didn't have to acknowledge what he was doing. He was doing it for the fame or the glory. As long as she was safe and happy, that was all that matter to him.

"Is there a reason you wanted to come the park specifically and not somewhere much quieter?" (Y/n) asked the half-curse, swinging her legs back and forth from where she sat on the bench. Infromt of them were two playgrounds, one for toddlers and the other for slightly older kids. It was loud, children screaming left and right and yet Choso could not seemore content.

"I just...wanted to be alone with you. It did not matter where." Choso admitted softly, staring ahead. (Y/n) smiled softly, nodding in understanding at his words.
"That's fair." She chuckled quietly, "Though we probably should have waited an hour or two. It's around the time that kids come come from school, so it's only going to get louder from here."

"That's fine. Every voice other than yours is nothing more than white noise to me." Choso told the girl absent-mindedly, his dark eyes following two, young and excited teenage girls that only seemed to be getting closer to them.
"You really have a way with words, huh?" (Y/n) chuckled, shaking her head as she fought off another blush.

"(Y/n)-san!" Two voices beamed out, making the girl turn her head to face them. The girls hair were two different colours, one blonde and the other a brunette. (Y/n) gasped after her eyes locked on the two, lurching out of her seat as they ran closer.
"Nanako! Mimiko!" She exclaimed excitedly, pulling the giggling girls in for a hug the moment they got close enough.

"It's been really long since we last saw you, (Y/n)-san!" Nanako pouted when they broke off the hug. (Y/n) sheepishly scratched the back of her ear.
"Way too long. We really missed you (Y/n)-san." Mimiko added on.
"Sorry I haven't visited your dorms in a while. I promise I'll do better!" She promised eagerly, making the girls smile and nod. (Y/n) loved the two girls to death, despite the ideology that Geto forced upon them.

"How are you two, though? How are your studies going?" The Geto sister then asked them, noticing they both had their uniforms and backpacks on.
"Really good! Mimiko just signed up for the arts and crafts club today!" Nanako told the elder, suprising her.
"Really? That's amazing!" (Y/n) praised, knowing how hard it was for Mimiko to come out of her shell in school.

"Only because Nanako kept bugging about it and wouldn't leave me alone." Mimiko grumbled, making (Y/n) laugh. That's when Nanako looked down at her phone, seeing the time before gasping.
"Shit! We have to go! We'll see you later, okay? We're gonna be late to see Geto-san!" Nanako told (Y/n), making the elder pause.

"You're meeting Suguru today?" (Y/n) asked hesitantly, having a bad feeling.
"Yeah, he wanted to talk to us about some sort of mission that he wants us to do in a few months." Mimiko added, making (Y/n) nod slowly, in thought.
"I see. Well you guys should get going before it starts to get dark then." (Y/n) told them both, forcing a smile. They both nodded as they began backing away.

"Okay, see you later, (Y/n)-san!" They bidded farewell as they began running. Neither of them have mastered warping yet, so they had to get a bullet train all the way to Geto's estate. That would take just over an hour and a half.
"Bye!" (Y/n) waved. The moment they were out of sight, she frowned, walking back over to Choso and slumping beside him with a sigh.

"Are you...alright?" Choso asked the girl, eyeing the two girls as they quickly ran away.
"Yeah... it's just that those girls are so young and yet my brother has no issues with using them to get what he wants. Just because he adopted them, that doesn't make them his weapons." (Y/n) huffed, running her fingers through he hair. Choso's eyes widened ever so slightly at this new fact.
"He adopted them?" Choso echoed curiously.

"Yeah, just over a decade ago now." I told him, "The day I met them was the day I was sent out on a mission with Suguru to their village. They all thought those two girls were demons. I was only twelve at the time but I remember getting so angry with them."
"My anger caused my cursed energy to run wild. I was losing control." I told him, reminisimg back on that day, "Suguru grabbed the two girls and warped them away to safety. By the time he came back...the whole village was in ruin."

Choso remembered this story vividly, something that Geto had tried to scare him off with earlier today.
"The villagers were all just a pile of bones and the trees within a five mile radius were all ash. I stood in the middle of a circle of calamity." (Y/n) mumbled, "My eyes turned black from all the negative cursed energy that I'd absorbed, and there was a cursed spirit shaped like black snake wrapped around the braid of my hair. Kai. From the lives of those villages, I made Kai." (Y/n) mumbled.

Before (Y/n) perfected her domain expansion, Kai used to hide in her clothes or around her limbs or hair to sheild from the sun.
"I killed a whole village and created a being as strong as myself just to save two little girls. I begged Suguru to adopt them. It was only fair since I ruined their home. I thought it was the right thing to do because I couldn't send them to an orphanage like I was once upon a time. But now... Geto's got his claws into them and they would happily follow him to their deaths." (Y/n) explained. She decided to leave out the part where Geto took the blame for her massacre, because this story was about his crimes, not his good deeds.

"If he adopted them, why do they not live in the estate like the rest of us?" Choso then asked curiously. Honestly he was relieved, he couldn't bare teenagers living in that house along with everyone else. They were high maintenance.
"School. Geto pays for them to attend a private academy and live in dorms with a curse called Dagon as their protector." (Y/n) explained, trying not to shudder at the mention of Dagon. He was the only curse that (Y/n) regretted not letting Geto absorb.

"They occasionally do a bit of training with Suguru during their school breaks or help him with missions. They deserve to be having fun with their friends, not doing my brother's dirty work." (Y/n) muttered bitterly. Then she turned to Choso with a new look in her eyes.
"Do you...know much about Geto's plans?" Choao found himself asking.
"Only a few key details, like how Suguru wants to bribe Ryomen Sukuna into working with him. But that's as far as my knowledge goes." She admitted, "I'm guessing you know more?"

Choso nodded bitterly, "So much more." (Y/n) nodded silently, looking down at her feet, making Choso nervous.
"Don't ever tell me anything, okay? Not even if I beg you." (Y/n) told him weakly, looking up at him with watering eyes.
"Why?" Choso asked, despite already knowing why she was asking for this. She bit the inside of her cheek before saying,

"I don't want to lose my brother again. It painful the first time. If I find out what he's up to, I'd probably have to kill him. And that? That would be so much more painful."

(A.N ~ :)

Chapter 45 Quote Teaser :

"Y-you're...not real. You're not Suguru!"

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