49~ Joe

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'Ow.. ow... oh-'
Joe didn't even make it to his apartment last night. He had no luck finding Ella, so he returned to Mr Mooneys to get a head start on Evan here. Joe still got nauseous when it came to the, getting rid of bodies part. "Come on Joe.. man up," he muttered, wincing as he pulled the teeth from Evans body. Throwing them into a mints container. Once that was done, Joe there the pliers to the side, his eye was swollen and bruised, and his nose was caked in dry blood. Not to mention how painful his stomach felt, he hadn't even had time to assess the damage, he'd do that later. Right now he was avoiding stepping into the pool of blood that sat under Evans head.
'Gross.. gross,' he whined, pulling him to a tarp he'd placed down. He'd just rid him like he did Benji. It was late enough. Sure, an overdose would have been better, but it wouldn't explain the clean gash in his neck. Or the dna all over his body.

Joe was tired and sore, and almost out of tape. Throwing the empty roll to the side of the room as he stressed himself to drag evans wrapped up body, up the stairs. "Oh god your heavy-" he muttered, turning to ignore the sting in his lung.
After that, it didn't take long. He dumped his body in the same place he did Benji, went to town with petrol and drove the hell out of there. By the time Joe got back, the sun was already rising. It gave him in hour to clean up, and clean himself up before he had to be back here to work.
Joe jogged down the stairs, grabbing a mop and scrubbing the floor, carefully moving the chair to a corner of the room where he could try and fix it later before eyeing himself, he was certain he had a change of clothes here. He opening the locker to find some pants and an orange sweater with a kitten on it.
'Oh good, I already feel like an idiot, I can look like one today to,'

Joe glanced at the time, shit Ethan would be there any minute. He hurried to removed his blooded shirt and undershirt, rushing over to the sink and splashing some water on his chest and underarms using the dirty shirt he was holding as a towel before slipping on the sweater and removing his pants. Giving his legs a wash with as much water as he could before stepping into the pants. He scrubbed his hands clean, patting around for a mirror, he groaned, choosing to just stare into the reflection on the glass cage,
"Oh shit! Fuckaduck!" Joe cursed, eyeing the work Evan had done to him. Not to mention the slowly infected cut on his hand. Joe wrapped his hand up, spraying some frebreeze on himself, it wasn't deodorant but at least he wouldn't smell like blood and fire pit. Lastly he scrubbed some wet paper towel over his face and under his nose. The dry blood was gone but the he still looked like a bruised elephant man.

Joe had finally headed upstairs and was now putting books away. Ethan had asked a thousand questions, and it took Joe several minutes to decide weather he'd run into a door, or got mugged. He chose the mugging option.
Evans out our way now Ella, it can just be you and me now.
He was staring at the copy of an overused To kill a mocking bird when her voice interrupted his thoughts.
Joe tried to keep his head down, looking at her carefully, "Ella, h-hey," he breathed out, he frowned, she was really crying? Over him?! That.. poem guy.
"Shit," Joe breathed, "oh Ella- I'm sorry.. hey," he consoled.
Man she was really crying.
'Is this- no it can't be.. do I feel a little guilty? I mean the guy was an asshole Ella, he willingly gave up personal information about you, just to save his own life! You didn't want to be around a guy like that, it's not good for you,'

He decided to just fuck it and turned around, "have you tried searching his apartment? When people don't want to be found they can be pretty convincing?" He sighed.
Candace you bitch.
He pulled her in for a hug, trying not to wince at the impact against his stomach. "Hey.. you wanna see something cool," Joe smirked, grabbing the ruined copy he just held, "come on," he grabbed her hand taking her past Ethan and down the stairs, "check it out, this," he turned to her, clapping his hands, "is where Mr Mooney keeps his rates.. and first editions," Joe turned the light on to show off a very clean looking glass cage. "It's also where I fix," he held the book he was holding up, "books,"

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