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Joe wanted there embrace to last forever, she smelt clean, floral, her hair could use a brush but she was mourning. Her skin was so soft against his neck and her body fit together against his perfectly. He felt calm when she was in his arms, the was how it was supposed to be-
So I figured, why not show her Mr Mooneys giant and not at all creepy safe.
"Yeah, cool right," Joe mumbled, "the temperature down here is always at 64 degrees, keeps the old books safe, that won't wither like they would in the heat.. or the sun," Joe shrugged. He placed the book on the counter with his cover replacing equipment, "there's even a first edition, Ozma of Oz," he pointed out. "You can touch them, don't worry, Mr Mooney won't know," he smirked, he grabbed the key from the counter, unlocking the glass and opening it so they could both step in. "You can, take one, for as long as you want," he smiled, grabbing the antique Ozma of Oz from the shelf. Man peach was mad he took that. But she was a bitch, he'd burn the precious pages before she ever got that back.

Joe felt his good eye twitch at the mention of Evan, as if his lifeless body wasn't just meters away from them. He felt bad for lying, but he did a good thing, and in time he was sure Ella would understand.
'Oh we had a nice chat.. not sure if I'd be friends with him..'
"You think?" Joe played along, giving her a gentle smile. He put a hand in his apron, like he always did, "I mean, I saw him once, when you first came to see me, ah- the book store, he seemed.."
'Obnoxious? Wrong for you? A douche'
"Nice." Joe smiled, "ah, well I can appreciate people who admire the finer things," he sighed. "I'm sure we'll find him.. I promise," he smiled at her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. He swallowed as she started to grow upset again, looking away from him.
As she walked away, Joe noticed the locker door in the corner open a crack. The locker he kept his special.. boxes. Becks.. Candace's.. even one for peach. Joe felt his heard drop as he glanced at Ella who's back was turned, "yeah.." he started, quickly walking over to the locker and using his back to push it closed as he leant on it. "Mr Mooney.. he- " Joe let out a sigh of relief when he heard the locker click shut. "He's a good man,"
'He's a awful man, but he taught me everything, and we'll.. I guess I owe him that,'
Joe smiled, glancing at the ground as he struggled to blink, moving away from the lockers just as quickly, "I mean.. he basically raised me," Joe shrugged. He looked up from the ground to see Ella looking closely at him, "what?" He mumbled, Joe suddenly felt her in his space, "oh, ah- this..." he breathed quietly, moving his hand subconsciously behind his back, "i got mugged.. it's not big deal.. you should see the other guy, reduced to ashes," he joked.
'To soon?'
"Really, I'm fine.. I didn't have my wallet so they threw a few punches.
'And stabbed me, bastard'

He raised his good eyebrow at her sudden invitation.
'Oooh Ella I don't know.. I mean I just murdered the guy,'
"Oh, s-sure.. let me just, finish up upstairs and tell Ethan to close up," Joe sighed, Jr grabbed her hand, "hey.. we're going to find him ok," he reassured. Joe smiled, embracing her one more, he took in her scent, like he always did, he wanted her to be his, so he could do this whenever he wanted.
"Right, let get going, should I call you detective? Sorry.. I ah, I'm not good with true crime stuff," Joe laughed awkwardly, passing her in the box as he stepped through the doorway, grabbing the key from the counter, "you comin?" He questioned waiting for her to get out before locking the cage and placing the key in his back pocket.


Marcos apartment was very.. Marco. I mean, Joe had never met the guy, but he wasn't to concerned, he was sure Marco was a small.. non threatening man, guys named Marco always-
'Oh Jesus Christ Joe, this guys like a wrestler,'
Joe stood behind Ella, one of his eyes almost swollen shut, the other was fine. He had a busted lip, and his hair was slightly messy, and he hoped he didn't smell to bad, he'd hugged Ella twice now.

Joe stayed quiet as the two interacted, obviously they knew each other, that much was obvious, he could tell Marco cared deeply for the woman. Which would be a slight problem for Joe, given he killed the man's brother and his potential girlfriends best friend.
Joe couldn't help but swallow slightly as the man's eyes seemed to pierce a hole in the man's skull.
"I didn't know Evan that well, but whatever I can do to help," Joe said quietly, putting an arm around Ella.
He dropped his arm as they both started to walk in. Joe wincing slightly when he felt a strong hand against his shoulder. Joe wanted to yell after Ella, but instead he kept his gaze firmly on Marcos. He wasn't a coward.. most of the time. Joe didn't say anything, instead he eyed the man as best he could, fixing his sweater when Marco let go, and followed quickly after Ella.

Joe put his hands in his pockets, eyeing the room, it seemed very Evan, hippy, influencer type. He looked around, posters on the wall, very much a theatre man. "What can I do?" Joe asked, not wanting to touch anything, he couldn't be associated with Evan to much. He let Ella search the more private places of his bedroom, while Joe, just looked, he looked at the clothes spotted on the floor, papers of poems, some words crossed out and replaced, he stopped at the wall, were small photos filtered it. One peaked his interested, it was Ella, and Evan, it looked like they were at some sort of festival. Joe looked over at the bathroom we're he could hear Ella going through draws before he plucked the picture off the wall, stuffing it into his pocket.
'Is it wrong to steal.. yes.. is it wrong to murder? Also yes..'

Joe straightened up when Ella came back out, pretending to act like he was searching for clues. "Your true crime fantasy?" He said with a hint of amusement in his voice, "look, maybe Evan, you said he likes to.. sleep around," Joe let out, peering into the Lounge-room, "maybe he just.. is having a little to much fun and hasn't contacted anyone?" Joe suggested, it wasn't impossible, but Ella seemed adamant.
'Shit, she really is a detective.. Beck, you'd be proud...'
'I'm sorry did she just say laptop?!'
Joe turned to watch the woman run over to evans bed, pulling out a white laptop with stickers covering it.
'Oh.. Evan is a smart boy..' Joe swallowed, picking up a statue that sat on his bedside table.
He dropped it at the mention of locations, luckily it landed on the carpet, Joe was quick to pick it back up, ignoring the pain surfing through his body.
'Locations.. evans phone was at Mr Mooneys. It was on! Because I turned it on, you DUMBASS!'
'And it's still in Ella's box- SHIT,'

Joe leant in, "that's good right?" He smiled, 'I have to do something.. anything..'
"Me? No, no this is all you miss Podcast master," he smirked, nudging her arm gently.
Joe looked around the room, then back at Ella, she was so excited, so happy.
'I could kiss her, but.. that would ruin our progress, and she's looking for her dead best friend right now.
Also, Marco is right there. '
'Dammit Joe think,'
He heard a huff from Ella, she couldn't get in,
"Oh thank god," He breathed, "agh- thank did for you, you found his laptop," he breathed nervously, "what's wrong? You can't get in?" He questioned, eyeing the multiple password attempts signal.
"Let me take it, Ethan is a tech wizard, he could probably override the password," Joe sighed, he ran a hand over her back, "we'll find him, I promise Ella,"

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