8~Ella B

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"Like I said for the now 8th time...I got home after like 10 pm from the downtown lounge, I came straight home, to my apartment and went to bed. I didn't hear or see anything. You can check the lounge camera's, I have an alibi" Ella B told the police officer that stood at her door, an annoyed look on both of their faces as he scribbled a few words on his notepad. Ella tried to take a peek at what he wrote but he noticed, closing the notepad and thanking her for her time before going back to his other policemen.

"And thanks for yours..jackass" Ella mumbled as she closed the door and walked to the living room where Evan had sat up on the couch.

"I can't believe they found your neighbor dead this morning" He said pulling his leg up over his other as Ella flopped down beside him with a loud sigh.

"Is it wrong to say I can believe it? The woman was like 80 and had bad knees. She was probably going to feed her cat and tripped and hit her head" Ella said shaking her head. Ms. Downers lived next to Ella ever since she moved in. They had a rocky relationship at first as Ella was always 'too loud' for Ms. downers. And Ms. downer was too nosy for Ella. Though after spending the past thanksgiving together as they had no one else to spend it with, they realized how similar they actually were. Who would've believed Ms. downers was a gogo dancer back in her days. It was sad to hear what happened to her but it wasn't completely shocking. Like Ella figured, She was old..

"Anyway, I have to go" Evan said suddenly getting up making Ella's eyebrows scrunch together.

"Go? My neighbor just died and you're gonna leave me all alone here? What if I'm next" She mocked a shaky tone as her eyes widen making Evan roll his.

"Make sure you write me in your will before you go then. And if you're really that worried, go to my place. My brother's out of town for the week so I have the place to myself. But I won't be there until later tonight" He said making his way to the door but Ella wasn't satisfied by his vagueness. He usually told her everything but it felt like he was avoiding something from her. And he seemed to noticed as he paused by the door and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Why don't you go see Joe the bookkeeper in New York and fall in love and have hot steamy drunk sex in the back of his car" Evan teased making Ella's mouth drop, grabbing her couch pillow and throwing it at him which he blocked his hand letting out a laugh.

"Ew, freak!" Ella exclaimed with a grin.

"Love you!" He said before opening the door and leaving her apartment making it suddenly empty and quite. Ella's smile slowly faded as she looked down to her fingers that fiddled with each other. Why was he being so weird with her? Or was she overthinking it all. With a loud sigh, Ella stood up, slipping on her converse quickly, she adjusted her 'ACDC' shirt out of her jean slightly ripped shorts and grabbed her keys.

Walking out her apartment, she noticed the police had gone and Ms. downer's door was closed and flowers sat outside her door. Probably from friends and family that quickly heard the news and came by to pay respects. Poor lady. As Ella locked her door, she gave one last look to the flowers. But that wasn't exactly what caught her eye. Beside the flowers, an outline dusty circle was printed on the ground. As if something was sitting there but was moved. She couldn't remember exactly what it was but she figured with so many police and responders in and out the building, things were moved around.

She brushed it off, turning and heading downstairs and out the apartment complex towards the bookstore.

Ella walked in, the familiar chime above her head went off as she entered, seeing Ethan off to the side. She sent him a wave before disappearing to the other side and the store past the aisle until she found..him. Joe. Standing on a small step ladder as he placed a book on the shelf. His long fingers showed delicacy with the books. Like he saw the value of each one and took care of them properly. She smiled to herself as she walked up to him.

"Hey again" She spoke, holding her hands behind her back. "Guess who has cash and a desire not to waste anymore of your time" she joked letting out a soft laugh.

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