30~Ella B

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Ella smiled to Joe as he teased back with her. She enjoyed how easy it was to be around him. He was easy to talk to, had good humor, and it didn't seem to ever end in an awkward silence. It was just..them. She followed his gaze up to the tree lines. Embracing the unusually quietness of one of the busiest city in the country. But it was so peaceful with Joe. Joe made things peaceful. She turned her attention to Joe as he started talking about being friends. Her lips slowly turning into a large grin with every word he spoke.

"Okay..then we're friends" she spoke softly before agreeing to help him pick out a coffee table. She was flattered he trusted her table picking skills. Ella gave him a light wave when they arrived to her apartment, part of her wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, but friends don't do that..right?


"Dude call me back"
"I have something to tell you"
"I went out with Joe last night did you forget?"
"Dude it's almost 12 in the afternoon are you seriously still in bed?"

Ella's feet stomped up the large staircase to the modern brick home. She rang the doorbell twice before smacking her hand against the door rapidly.
"Evan!" She shouted from the door, ringing the doorbell again before continuing her knocking again. After a few extra seconds, the door finally swung open. Stood was a shirtless older man, with a long blue robe on in his boxers and some fluffy blue slippers. He rubbed the sleep out of his before noticing Ella. Evan's brother Marco.

"Ella B what are you-"

"Where's your brother? I've been calling him all morning, and sent him like a trillion text messages" Ella interrupted him as Marco shrugged yawning.

"I don't know, I just got home last night and I assumed he was at your place" He said before turning and walking back inside the house, allowing Ella to follow him.

"Well..he's NOT. So where is he?" She said following him to their living room where he flipped down on the couch.

"Look B, i don't keep a tracker on the kid okay? He's a grown man, he is free to come and go as he pleases" Marco responded closing his eyes as he got comfortable on the couch. Ella stayed silent, as her brows narrowed and her eyes stayed glued to Marco not satisfied with his lack of caring. Marco sensed it, as he peeled open one of his eyes to look at Ella's angry glare. He sighed, sitting back up as he scratched the back on his head and let out a 'uhhh' thinking noise.

"Oh! Layla!" He suddenly exclaimed making Ella's face scrunch up in confusion.


"Uhh, the blonde girl he's been bringing around here. Yeah! He's stayed over to her house a few nights so he's probably still just over there" Marco said snapping his fingers as he laid back down. "Look I wouldn't worry, the kid likes to disappear when he's into a girl, spends every second with her. He'll come crawling back to you when he's bored"

Ella's face fell as her jaw clenched. Of course he would. He usually did. She looked down at her phone. It was already a few minutes after 12 and she was supposed to meet up with Joe.

"Well...tell him to call me..you see him okay?" Ella told Marco but only got soft snores in response. She frowned before turning and leaving the house to head downtown to the furniture store.


Ella made it to the store finally after texting Joe she would be running late and to just meet up there. She saw Joe standing outside making her jog a little to reach him. She wore a cute flowery pattern dress with ankle brown boots and her bag thrown over her shoulder. She smiled brightly as she approached Joe.

"Heyy! I am sooo sorry for being late." She said shaking her head. "I just had to stop somewhere really quickly" she didn't want to tell Joe immediately that she went panic looking for Evan, especially after how she reacted to seeing him kiss another girl. He would think she was like in love with him or something crazy. "Shall we go?"

Ella walked in the store first, the smell of fresh furniture hitting her nose making her let out a loud sigh.

"Ah~ furniture shopping. When I got my first apartment, that was what I was the most excited for. My own space where I can express who I am through decorating" she said looking back to Joe. "Hmmm, when I imagine your apartment..I imagine..antiques, antiques, old books and a vintage coffee maker- you know the ones you have to grind by turning the handle?" She smiled with a giggle. "And yes, I am calling you an old soul"

"Oh! What about this one!" She exclaimed running up to a bright blue funky table. It had an abnormal squiggley shape with yellow polka dots on it. She gasped teasingly. "I mean this just screams YOU Joe"

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