Author's Note

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Hello all! Welcome back (or welcome) to another IZ*ONE fanfic!

This story will be sectioned differently from my other stories, separated into [PAST], [PRESENT], and [FUTURE].

This story will be as realistic as possible, no supernatural powers/beings, no end of the world, no human experimentation to create said powers, no wild lucid dreaming, none of that.

That being said, although this fic is a slice of life, it will be pretty strongly based on mental health and awareness. It'll be raw, wholesome, and emotional, as realistic and down to earth as it gets.

There are no villains like the evil vampire in ENOZI, no demons and monsters...

Unless you count the ones that the girls fight within themselves as they grow up.

This work is fictional, all scenarios and relations between the girls and their friends/family are purely my imagination, I do not wish to bring bad light into certain parents and others.

While reading this story, please proceed with caution if you are faint of heart, or have your own upbringings that have left an unhealed wound on you. While not necessarily dark, it will have concepts and events some may not want to see.

Such being: Crime // Mental Illnesses // Bullying // Rocky Parental Relationships // Toxic Romantic Relationships // Neglect // Aggressive Arguing/Fighting // Verbal and Physical Abuse // Trauma // Self-Harm // Suicidal Tendencies // etc

As always, I will put up a [M] and/or [TW] at the beginning of each section if need be.

This story is not to glorify these topics, but to bring light onto them.

If someone you know is having a hard time, please check up on them, and if needed, there are emergency hotlines for your area. As always, my DMs are open, but however much I'd love to help and listen, there's only so much I can do as someone behind a screen.

Thank you for taking the time to read this note, I know it's a lot but I promise the girls will be okay in the end. Without further ado... Enjoy your stay :) - Minah

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