1.7 [TW]

219 14 20

[TW] - Aggressive Arguing

"See you later Yuri!"

"Bye Hitomi-unnie..."

Yuri waved as Hitomi headed into her house, walking away when the girl was no longer in sight.

Chaewon had left early for a doctor's appointment, so the fifth grader walked home alone, glancing around every now and then as she did.


Yuri stopped walking, looking across the neighborhood street at a car parked at the curb.

'Isn't that... Appa's car?'


'Shouldn't he be at work right now?'

The door to the house in front of his car opened, and Yuri widened her eyes after seeing her father coming out, a woman following shortly behind him.

And she began to run.

Yuri ran the few minutes back home before her father could see her, her breathing ragged and heavy as she stopped at her front door.

She stumbled with her keys, and she quietly closed the front door.


The said girl jumped, struggling not to drop her keys as she whipped around.

Her mother stared at her weirdly from the kitchen she just came out of, "welcome... home?"

But then she saw how distraught her youngest daughter was, and she quickly walked over.

"Yuri-yah, what's wrong?"

She felt the girl's forehead, "why are you sweating so much, did you run home? Are you catching a cold?"







"I saw Appa..."

Her mother raised an eyebrow, "he's at work right now."

"I-I s-saw him come out of another house, down the street when I was walking home. He... He was with another woman."

To that, the older woman grew silent, staring at her daughter.


"I-it was him, h-his car was out fr-"

Yuri paused as a car beep could be heard outside, and her mother gently pushed her deeper into the house.

"Yuri, go to your room, now."

Yuri clamped her mouth shut, quickly heading down the hall to her shared room with Chaewon as she heard the front door unlock.

Chaewon was aimlessly swiveling around in her desk chair as she stared at the ceiling, only stopping when she heard the bedroom door open.

"Hey Yuri, how was-"


Chaewon straightened herself up, "woah- what's up?"

Her worry grew when Yuri stayed silent as she closed the door behind her.

"What's wrong? Did something happen at sc-"

The older girl stopped mid-question when she heard her father's voice outside.


"Yuri, lock the door."

Yuri did as she was told, walking over to Chaewon who gestured to their shared bed, the two sitting down as their father's voice grew on edge alongside their mother's...

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