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Knock Knock...

"Just a minute!"

The tall girl put her hair up in a ponytail as she quickly went to the front door, grinning as she saw who was outside through the peephole.

"Hello Yujin-unnie~"

"Wonyoung~~ Hello~"

"My bag's on the counter so let me grab it-"

"Ah- wait."

Wonyoung paused, "hm?"

Yujin brought her hands out from behind her back, revealing a small bouquet of flowers.

"For you."

The bunny began to turn a hue pink, "f-for me?"


"For what?"

Yujin smiled, "it's a special day for you."

"It... is...?"

Wonyoung tilted her head as she held the flowers.

The puppy nodded, "you're two years clean today."

The younger girl's eyes slightly widened, "you... counted?"

"Of course I did, I'm so proud of my Wonnie."

The bunny flustered a deep red from the nickname, "t-thank you, u-unnie."

Yujin chuckled, "of course."

"I- uh- do we have time?"

"Mhm! We still got time."

"I'll be right back, let me put these in a vase before we leave."

"Got it."

Wonyoung ran back inside, quickly finding a vase before filling it with water and gently placing the flowers inside.

She stopped to stare for a bit, smiling before grabbing her bag on the counter and walking out before locking the door.

"That was quick."

"I didn't want to keep you waiting."

Yujin smiled, "does Hyewon-unnie and your uncle know you're going out today?"

"Mhm! They do, they're both at work though."

The skin on Wonyoung's arm tingled as they accidentally brushed against each other, sending a shiver throughout her body.

It felt nice, wearing a t-shirt outside in the summer.

Old scars that used to cover her arms like rough valleys slowly began to fade, some of the deeper ones the only ones that could be seen, and even then, they were barely noticeable.

"Is your roommate and her girlfriend fine with driving us to and from the amusement park?"

"Mhm! Think of it sort of like... a double date?"

Wonyoung's eyes widened as she glanced over at Yujin, who started her car but made no motion to start driving.

"Wh- h-huh?"

Yujin faced her with the most serious expression Wonyoung had seen on the older girl.

"Wait but- We're not... dating...?"

"Do you want to?"


Yujin shrugged, facing the wheel again, "I mean if you don't that's okay too."

"W-wait that's not what I..."

Yujin glanced over as Wonyoung tried to find the best way to speak.


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