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Yujin-unnie: Wonyoooooooooooooooooooooo

Wonyoung raised an eyebrow at the older girl's text, a small giggle escaping her lips.

Wonyoung: Yes?

Yujin-unnie: Damn you didnt elongate it? :<

Wonyoung: Yeeeeeessssss?

Yujin-unnie: Hehe :)

Wonyoung: What's up?

Yujin-unnie: You free today?

Wonyoung: No.

Yujin-unnie: :(

Wonyoung: Of course I'm free silly

Wonyoung: What do you think I do besides from staying in my room all day 😭

Yujin-unnie: True

Yujin-unnie: Well, I shall change that today >:)

Wonyoung: How so?

Yujin-unnie: Get ready, im coming to pick you up and it takes me twenty minutes to get there

Wonyoung: You don't even know where I live

Yujin-unnie: ...

Wonyoung: 12345 6th st, Seoul, South Korea

Yujin-unnie: Now I know :)

Wonyoung stood up from her desk, going over to get ready before she paused.


She never told her parents about meeting Yujin again.

The bunny quickly went out of her room, catching her mother walk down the hall to her office past Wonyoung's bedroom.


"Yes, Wonyoung?"

"Remember that girl I used to hang out with in elementary school?"

Her mother raised an eyebrow, thinking for a moment, "I remember you going over to someone's house often, yes."

"I recently connected with her again and I was wondering if I can hang out with her today? She lives nearby."

Her mother glanced down at the change of clothes Wonyoung had in hand, waving it off.

"Go ahead, it's better than you being in the house all day."

A muscle in Wonyoung's mouth twitched from the way her mother said her words, but she shook her head as her mother walked away.

'It's okay, she always talks like that.'

Wonyoung closed her door again, getting ready with a small bit of excitement that she hasn't felt in years.


Yujin-unnie: Your house is nice

Yujin-unnie: Lol same as I remember it

Wonyoung: You're here already???

Yujin-unnie: Took a bit longer than expected, my roommate/friend was whining about how she couldnt see her gf today

Wonyoung: oh...?

Yujin-unnie: Yeah

Wonyoung: I'm coming out

Yujin-unnie: Omg im so proud of you

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