2.10 [TW]

204 19 30


[TW] - Attempted Suicide

"Hey Jiheon, you're hanging out w Nagyung-unnie tonight right?"

"Yeah I am, why?"

Yujin twirled her set of keys, "can I use the car today."

"Oh yeah sure, go ahead. Where are you going?"

The puppy shrugged, "the place I consider my hometown, it's like... twenty...ish minutes away."

Jiheon raised an eyebrow, "your... hometown? What do you consider your hometown?"

Yujin scratched her head, "I mean it's not really my hometown but it's the place I stayed the longest at when I was younger, even though it was only for like... three years."

The girl's best friend glanced at the clock, "are you coming back? It's already like five in the afternoon."

"Yeah, I just thought of it right now, I'll be back later tonight."

Jiheon nodded, "drive safe, I'll tell my parents that you're gonna be out."

"Thank you Jiheon~~ Don't have too much fun with Nagyung-unnie."


Yujin snickered as she walked out after swiftly grabbing her things, pulling up directions on her phone before starting to drive.

The car she was using was one she was sharing with Jiheon currently, and the two used it back and forth depending on who was using it... The user usually being Yujin because Jiheon didn't really like going outside... And if she was outside, it was usually with Nagyung or their other older friends.

Yujin knew there wasn't much to do as the sun slowly went down, and she also didn't really remember much of the town... besides the fact that she felt at home there...

And the fact that there was one building that was taller than the usual homes and schools, a place to catch a great view of the sunset...

The college student hummed to the song that played, glancing around as twenty minutes quickly passed by.

"Nothing's changed..."

She let out a sigh with a content smile, looking around for that specific tall building...

~ ~ ~




A girl barely shivered as she wore a thin, loose long-sleeve, a slight breeze had picked up with the setting sun.


The girl... was tired.

Out of everything a human could feel, she felt tired, she could only feel tired.

The bunny picked at a too cleanly cut scratch on her arm, the pain she should have felt whenever a new valley formed on her arms and wherever else on her skin couldn't even fill the empty void.

And well, it seems like her body still wanted to keep going, considering all her failed attempts at trying to sleep in peace... inside a filled bathtub.

So the girl sat on the parapet of the roof of a building, her legs dangling freely.

She knew that her body couldn't magically save her from gravity.

She thought... that maybe she could finally feel something...

Even if it was in her last moments.

So she pushed herself back to stand onto the thin parapet that was barely long enough for her to stand on, and her eyes dulled as she gazed upon the sidewalk and street below that seemed to mock her.

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