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"You seriously do not have to, it's okay."

Wonyoung glanced up from her phone as she heard her mother talk on the phone outside.

"I suppose..."



"She hasn't woken up yet."

'Is she talking about me?'






Knock Knock.

Wonyoung jumped, stumbling to quickly stand up from her chair to open her bedroom door.

'Double weird, Eomma never comes to my room.'

"Yes, Eomma?"

"Oh- Wonyoung you're awake?"

"I uh- I just woke up a few minutes ago."

A lie.

She's been awake since six in the morning texting Yujin, it was ten in the morning now.

Her mother had her phone in her hand, "happy birthday, Wonyoung."


Her mother stared at her shocked expression.

"Oh uh- thank you, Eomma."

Her mother walked away without a word, Wonyoung staring perplexed at the place she stood before closing her door.

"Ah- wait."

Wonyoung opened the door again before she fully closed it, "yes, Eomma?"

She glanced down to see that her mother had her wallet, watching in confusion as she took out a handful of cash.

'What is she doing?'

"Hyewon called, she's going to pick you up in a few minutes so get ready."

"Wait, she is?"

Her mother glanced at her quickly before going back to the cash, "yes, she is."

Wonyoung held her arms up to stop her mother when she was trying to hand her the cash.

"Wait wait- why are you giving me so much money??"

"It's your birthday."

"Does Appa know?"

"Did he not text you earlier today?"


Her mother made a clicking noise with her tongue, checking her phone.

"Get ready, Hyewon's on the way."

Before Wonyoung could get out of her shock and speak, her mother left, walking back down the hall.

"W-wait Eomma."

Her mother paused, glancing back at the girl as she poked her head out of her room, "..."

"Thank you."

Her mother waved her off, "don't spend it all in one day."

Wonyoung closed her door, her eyes widening after realizing just how much her mother had given her.

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