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Knock Knock...

Chaewon glanced up from her spot on the couch, about to stand up to get the door when her younger sister skipped over quicker than she did.

Minju raised an eyebrow, "I have never seen Yuri like that."

Nako stared the same way, "me too."

"It's probably her uh... friend? Girlfriend?"

Chaewon snickered, "Yuri keeps saying they aren't dating."

She then nodded at Hitomi, "but yeah it's Yena-unnie's birthday today."

"Oh is that why Yuri said she was leaving?"



"Unnie~ Happy birthday~~"

All three of them watched as the two at the door embraced, the girl at the door waving when meeting eyes with them.

"Hey Chaewon-ah."

"Hey unnie, happy birthday."

"Thanks man, oh! Hey uh... Hitomi! Hey Hitomi."

"Hello Yena-unnie."

Yena grinned, tilting her head but waving at Minju and Nako, "and hello people I have never met before."

Yuri pointed at Nako, "Hitomi-unnie's girlfriend."



Hitomi pointed at Minju, "Chaewon's ex."



"It's true."

"She's not wrong."

"Hitomi-unnie's right."

"Oh uh- hello!"

Yena scratched her head, "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything?"

"Nah you're good."

Yuri tugged at Yena's sleeve, "I'll be right back, I need to get your gift."

"Ah- Yuri you didn't have to."

"Yeah hurry up and get your girlfriend's gift."

The hamster and duck both flustered a deep red, Yuri making the way to her room extra long just to shove Chaewon forward from the back of her head.

As Yuri disappeared with her older sister laughing, Yena bounced from one foot to the other.

"I'm not her girlfriend..."


To that, the older girl looked away, somehow blushing more than before.

"She likes you, you know."

"I know."

That made Chaewon pause, "you know?"

"Yeah I know. I've known for a few months."


Yena glanced down at her twiddling thumbs, "we told each other."


"We're both not ready yet."

Yena chuckled, glancing back up to meet Chaewon's eyes, "we both feel like if we did something more right now it might end up really bad, you know? Yuri's still healing and so am I."


Chaewon looked away, thinking of her own ruined relationship, "sorry, unnie."

"Dah don't worry about it, I guess Yuri didn't tell you?"

The radish shook her head, "no, she didn't."

Before anything else could be said, Yuri came back, gift bag in hand.

"Chaewon-unnie, are you talking about me?"


"Hmmmm okay."

Yuri walked over, patting Chaewon's head, "did I push you too hard earlier."

'Dah you're always so concerned about other people aren't you...'

"Nah I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Chaewon poked Yuri's arm, "stay safe, call me if you need anything."

"You aren't gonna make fun of me?"

'I don't think I should.'

"Do you want me to?"

"Ani~~" ("No" in Korean)

Yuri practically pranced over to Yena, "bye unnies~"

"See ya later Yuri."

"It was nice meeting you, Yena-unnie."

"Yeah same! Goodbye~"

Yena waved at Chaewon, "I'll take care of your dongsaeng."

"You better!"

The duck giggled as they headed out, Yena wrapping an arm around Yuri's shoulders as they walked to the older girl's car.

Yuri handed her the gift as they sat down, "for you."

Yena smiled, "you want me to open it right now?"


The older girl awed at the gift, giving the hamster a grateful hug before they talked about where to go. The drive after was filled with a comfortable silence, until Yena spoke up.

"Is Chaewon on good terms with her ex? I remember a few months ago she'd go out with someone when we were together as well."

"It's the same person and uh... I don't... know...?"

Yuri shrugged, "after they broke up they haven't talked at all until like two months ago... I don't really know what happened but they seem fine now, still a bit distant though you know?"

"Yeahhh that makes sense."

'I'm just glad she was able to get Chaewon-unnie out of her room...'


Yena grinned as she glanced over to Yuri at a red light.

"Where to?"

"You choose, it's your birthday."


Yena's eyes brightened as she started to drive again, "your gift reminded me of a place."

Yuri smiled, "then let's go there."

And it was safe to say that the day was spent well with much love and fun, their love, although not in a formal relationship, filled with wholesome and soft moments of the day...

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