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The trio was outside the building now, Wonyoung looking around until she spotted a car parking nearby.

"That's her."

"Who is she?"

"My cousin... She's the only family I'm kinda close with."

An older woman came out of the car, and she walked straight to Wonyoung after noticing the taller girl.

"Hey unnie."


Her cousin glanced at Yujin and Eunbi who were side-by-side the bunny, before glancing up at the tall building they were in front of, and finally around to see if there were any people nearby.

Seeing that there was no one, she grabbed Wonyoung's hand, pulling up one of her sleeves.

"There's nothing new."

The woman glanced up, gently pulling the sleeve back down while rubbing the scars with her thumb.

She gazed at the two next to Wonyoung, giving a bow of respect.

"Hello, my name is Kang Hyewon, I'm Wonyoung's older cousin."

Yujin also bowed, seeing that Hyewon was probably a few years older than her.

"Hello, I'm Ahn Yujin, I'm uh... Wonyoung's friend from elementary school?"

Hyewon's gaze didn't change as she glanced at Yujin, then back to Wonyoung.

"Yujin? That girl you used to be close with?"

"Yeah, same Yujin-unnie."

Yujin's heart fluttered hearing that name again from Wonyoung.

Hyewon nodded, going over to look at Eunbi, who gave a smile.

"I'm Kwon Eunbi, I used to be Wonyoung's psychology teacher back in her sophomore year of high school."

Hyewon subtly squinted for just a second, which the teacher saw.

"She's not in trouble."

Hyewon shook her head, that wasn't what she had in mind.

She turned to Wonyoung again, muttering quietly, "gwenchana?"

Wonyoung looked away, "not really, no."

It brought a few thoughts into the two bystanders heads, seeing that Hyewon had no reaction to what Wonyoung had been saying, but seeing as though Wonyoung immediately opened up her true feelings to the older girl, there was something about their bond that made them close.

"I know it's a little late, but would you be willing to have a little talk with me, perhaps at the nearby cafe? I know we aren't in school but after what happened-"

"Yes, that's fine."

Hyewon glanced over to Wonyoung, "I'll take you home after."

"Can I stay with you tonight?"

"... Sure, that's fine too."

"And... Can you tell my parents that I'm staying with you? They... think I'm bothering you."

Hyewon raised an eyebrow, "they do? Yeah I'll text them later."

The new-found group walked down the street to the nearby cafe, and as Hyewon and Eunbi sat outside to discuss what happened, who Hyewon is and who she is to Wonyoung, a little about Wonyoung's past to the best of Hyewon's telling, the two high school graduates walked inside, being greeted by the cashier.

"Want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm not really hungry... Thanks though, unnie."

Yujin frowned, "you sure?"

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