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"Yah Yujin hurry up!"

"Calm down, we aren't even late!"

"Nagyung-unnie's already here!"

"Okay well-"

The puppy paused walking down the steps, "ah..."


Yujin raised her eyebrows up and down, "awe you just want to see your girl~friend~"

The puppy flinched, "ow."

Jiheon glared as Yujin rubbed her arm, "shut up."

"I'm gonna tell Nagyung-unnie you hit me."

"Dah you aren't even our child!"

"She makes it seem like I am."

"Girls, Nagyung is here."

"Coming Eomma!"

"Coming Mrs. Baek!"

The two freshly graduated high schoolers went over to the living room, seeing Jiheon's mother talking to her girlfriend.


Nagyung's smile brightened when Jiheon suddenly engulfed the shorter girl in a hug.

"Hey Jiheon-ah~"

Yujin scrunched up her face at their lovey dovey little scene, Jiheon's mother laughing at her reaction.

"Ah Yujinnie~ My child."

Yujin stuck her tongue out at Jiheon as she also hugged the older girl, "see, I told you."

"Told her what?"

"Jiheon punched me."


"No~ I~ Didn't~~~"

Her mother frowned, shaking her head with a chuckle, knowing that this practically happens every day from how much they bicker like real siblings.

"Stay safe okay you three? Call me if you need anything."


The duo followed Nagyung outside to her car, Yujin going to the backseat without any questions as the girlfriends took to the front seats.

She was practically their child.

Even though Jiheon was the same age as her, and also the puppy's best friend.

Nagyung had offered to show the two around the dorms of the college they were going to since it had opened back up, and who's a better tour guide than someone who actually goes to the school?

The three conversed about what to expect during their first year of college living at the campus, and from afar one could've thought they had all grown up together from how close they were.

Over the span of a few months where Yujin had known Jiheon, the two had gotten close during their last few months of high school.

So why was Yujin at Jiheon's house you might ask?

The puppy's parents had to move again after her graduation, and although she loved them both...

She didn't want to move anymore for the time being, she was tired of moving around.

And her parents understood, letting her go to become more independent and stay in the college dorms.

Her parents had to move far, so Jiheon offered to let her stay at her place with her and her parents over the summer while they dorm together during the school year.

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