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"Oh we have a sub today in math."

Yuri nodded as she looked over at Hitomi's phone as the Japanese girl showed her a message, the oldest of the three looking out the window of the bus they took to their local high school.


Chaewon glanced at her phone, seeing that the school had emailed something for seniors.

"Senior assembly..."

The two juniors glanced over as the radish muttered under her breath.

Chaewon read through the email, putting her phone away, "hey I'm gonna have to go straight to the gym today, seniors have an assembly."

"Ohhh okay, what's it for?"

"Probably talking to us about what we need to do or finish to graduate, I heard about this last year too."

Chaewon glanced over at the younger duo, poking both of their foreheads.

"And junior year's important, keep your grades up."

"Unnie, I think you tell us this every week, and it's only the second month of school."

Yuri nodded in agreement to Hitomi, and Chaewon watched as only the older of the two giggled.

She always wondered how Yuri did at school... WIthout talking at all.

'I'm sure she got used to it... Thankfully Hitomi's there if she needs anything during class...'


'She seems happy though, in her own little way.'

The older two thanked the bus driver as Yuri gave them a smile and a small nod in respect, the two eleventh graders going their own way as Chaewon walked to the gym.

It was still rather early, so Chaewon found a seat at the edge of one of the bleachers, leaning her head against the railing as she scrolled through her phone.

As students walked in, the gym's bleachers began to fill up, fellow seniors finding friends or sitting together...

Except for Chaewon.

No one sat next to Chaewon.


'I wouldn't sit next to me either.'

Considering it was a local high school, many of the students had grown up in the same elementary and middle school as Chaewon, a handful coming from other schools within the district.

And they all knew her as that one feisty kid who always picked fights.

There were a few in her classes that would daringly approach her, and although she was known as that kid when she was younger, she no longer picked any fights or arguments...

And all those who approached her did so because they thought she was hot.

So, being Chaewon, she'd flirt, and some would flirt back, gender didn't matter...

Although she felt more comfortable flirting with other girls.

But that'd only last for a few days or short bursts of time before they stopped talking to her all together, whether it be they (or Chaewon) got bored, they got caught by a significant other, or they found out what kind of kid Chaewon used to be.


She always tried to not flirt with people who already were dating someone else.

But sometimes she didn't know.

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