
244 22 54


[TW] - Implied Sexual Assault

Knock Knock.


Nako swiftly walked down the hall from her room.

Knock knock knock.

'Who the hell?'

Nako opened the front door, "yes? Oh- Yuri?"

She looked the hamster up and down, "did you... run here from your home?"

The slightly disheveled girl made a "so-so" shaking motion with her hand, a little "ehh" saying that she kind of did, sounding from her lips.

Nako glanced around, seeing no one else in sight, "what's up? Want to come in?"

"It's okay."

It was rather rare for Yuri to talk still, Nako was still rather surprised whenever she heard her voice.

"It's about Chaewon-unnie."

Nako tensed a little, glancing behind her, "sorry... Minju-unnie doesn't want to talk t-"

"She hasn't gotten out of her room."

"Is that normal?"

Yuri shook her head, "not for this long, it's been days."


"Yeah and I can't get her to come out."

"What about your mom?"

"She's at work so when she comes back, she thinks unnie's sleeping since it's late, and she leaves before we go to class as well... I... I don't want to worry her."

'She hasn't left her room for days...?'

"Is she... suicidal?"

To that Yuri quickly shakes her head alongside waving her hands to show that she isn't.

"No no she'd never do that to herself, even if she's going through a lot."

Yuri scratched her head, "and sometimes I heard her moving around in her room, never leaving though..."

'Is this still because of their break up...?'

"Have you asked Hii-chan?"

"Yeah she's there right now, even she can't get her out."

Nako frowned, knowing now why Yuri came over even if it took almost twenty minutes on foot.

She turned around, "Minju-unnie!"


"Come out!"




A frog poked her head out of her bedroom door, "what's up?"

After seeing someone else outside, she walked out, slowing down after realizing who it was.

"Yuri...? What are you doing here?"

"Unnie please help me."

Minju startled from Yuri speaking, as this was her first time hearing her rather husky voice.

"Woah woah, what's wrong?"

"It's Chaewon-unnie."

To that, her face slightly dropped, "look, I know you're her younger sister and all but don't be a messenger for her okay Yuri? That's just harmful to you. And I'd rather not talk to-"

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