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[TW] - Implied Self-Harm

A girl scrolled through a plethora of unresponded messages, a frown forming from recently gained voices that once again began to become louder in her head.


The girl jumped as she heard the front door knock, quickly trying to not drop her phone from the surprise and making as little noise as possible.


She glanced down from her silenced phone, seeing another contact text her.

Mom: Your father is just getting used to it, he will stop soon enough.

'Soon enough???'

'It's been a month, every single fucking day.'

She didn't reply to her mother, jumping once more from the harsh knocking.

'I wish Hyewon-unnie was here... Or Samchun...'

Even if they didn't answer the door as well... At least she had someone else around her.

"Wonyoung open the door, I know you're in there."

'Yeah... where else would I be?'





"Go away..."

All the unanswered messages from the bunny's father...

All the unanswered messages, about all the things her parents did for her, and she was throwing it all away by living with her cousin and uncle.

All the unanswered messages, about how much they "cared" about her.

All the times her father went to her new home when he knew at least her uncle would be out at work.

And the fact that her mother didn't do anything to stop him.

It was getting all too much for the young girl.

New voices arose in her mind, some colliding with her old thoughts and growing into an ugly amalgamation of negativity and darkness.

And they got loud.

Loud enough that Wonyoung didn't even hear her father slam his car door and drive off.

She fumbled for her phone, typing with trembling thumbs to her cousin.

Although... She knew Hyewon wouldn't answer quickly.

She was in class, afterall.

Wonyoung bit at her nails, even music wouldn't be enough to block the voices out.

It was getting too much.

She paced around, even visually seeing that her father left wasn't enough to calm her.

But then her eyes landed on the kitchen.

She needed the voices to stop.

She needed something for them to stop.

She needed something sharp.

~ ~ ~




"God I'm so bored."


"She's in class. For the whole day today."

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