1.4 [M][TW]

303 17 28


[M][TW] - Physical/Verbal Abuse // Bullying


A girl recoiled as she blocked her head, stumbling back a step before bumping into the younger girl she was protecting.

"A-Appa sto-"

"SHUT IT Yuri."

The girl jumped, cowering closer to her older sister who stood unfazed even after the blow to her head.

"Move out of the way, Chaewon."


"This is YURI'S fault. Stop protecting her."


"You WORTHLESS," the man the two girls deemed their "father" grabbed Chaewon's long hair.

"Pieces of SHIT," he flung the eldest daughter to the side of the hallway, the girl landing with a dull thud on the ground.

Although her head pounded and she tasted her own blood in her mouth, she forced herself back up.


She stumbled back over to her younger sister, covering her from a blow that came down a few moments later, doing all she could to hide her wince of pain in front of her sister and father.


He grabbed her shoulders, tossing her to the side as she rolled on the floor, coming to a stop only when her back hit the back of the couch.


Yuri jumped, trying to back away as her father walked up to her.

She whimpered as her father grabbed her wrist, jabbing a finger to her chest.

"This is your fault. Look at your sister."

Yuri couldn't bring herself to look at Chaewon's crumpled figure.


Yuri reluctantly watched as Chaewon, although beaten, still tried to push herself up.

"Your sister is hurt because of you, she's always hurt because of you."

He pushed the younger girl away before stalking out the front door.

"Never forget that."


Yuri jumped once more from the loud noise, quickly running over and helping her older sister back up to her feet.


"C-Chaewon-unnie I- are-"

She paused as Chaewon gently cupped her face with calloused hands, giving her a weak smile.

"I'm so glad you're okay. He didn't hurt you too bad, right?"

That was enough to make Yuri start to tear up.

"Hey... Hey... It's okay, unnie's here... Chaewon-unnie's here..."

"U-unnie I-I'm s-so sorry."

"Ah Yuri-yah... Don't listen to him, it isn't your fault."

She gave her younger sister a kiss on the forehead, "it never is your fault... I promise."

'Then why do you get so hurt because of me?'


'Then... why is dad like this? Why is Mom and Dad always fighting?'

Chaewon gently pulled Yuri closer, "shhh shhh it's okay... It's okay... Let it out, you're safe now."

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