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"Welcome home, Sakura."

"Hey Oka-san..."

The middle schooler's mother glanced over after hearing Sakura's voice.

"Sa-chan? What's wrong?"


Sakura sat down at the other end of the couch after dropping off her school bag, taking a few moments to speak.




"Am I a bad person?"

"What? Of course not! What makes you think that?"



"People at school know what happened... They saw the news and well... A lot of them know Oto-san."


"They said I'd end up going to jail too."

'I barely even saw him too...'


Sakura startled from her mother's raised tone, watching as her mother scooted closer to her.

"Oh dear of course you won't... Sa-chan, you are not a bad person, okay? It doesn't matter what your father did, you are not him."

'It's kinda hard to believe when so many other people say that I am.'

Her mother kissed her temple, "you are you, you define your own life. And know that I will always be there to support you."

"Thanks... Oka-san..."


~ ~ ~

"Hmmm... I think we'll be staying here for a few years."

"Really? Is there a confirmation?"

The man sighed, "no, no confirmation, but it's highly likely... It'd be nice if Yujin could finish her last three years of elementary school in one spot, at least."

He gazed at the military uniform in his hand, gently brushing it with his thumb.

The woman next to him rested a hand on his shoulder, "take it easy okay? I'll tell Yujin and I can help her out... She might be a little kid but she understands why we move so much."

The man laughed, "you're right... I trust you both."

The woman gave him a small kiss before walking away, "and I trust your judgment."

She knocked on a slightly ajar door before poking her head through.


A little girl glanced back from folding her clothes and putting them in her new closet.

"Yes Eomma?"

Yujin's mother crouched down in front of the girl, "your father thinks that we can stay here for a few years..."

Yujin's eyes brightened, "Jinja?"

Her mother nodded, "yes... We don't know for sure but it's likely."

The little puppy grinned, "that's great! Although... It's okay if we have to move again, I understand."

Her mother smiled, ruffling the girl's hair, "dah our Yujinnie is so grown now."

The girl flexed her small muscles, "yeah!"

"Now let's get ready for school okay?"





Yujin walked around during lunch, about to give up on trying to find a spot to eat her food when her eyes landed on a girl leaning against the wall of one of her new elementary school's buildings, eating her food in silence.

'Maybe... I can be her friend?'

Yujin would be lying if she said moving around so much was easy.

It was hard for a little kid to move schools so often so early on...

But she tried to understand, it was for her dad's work after all.

She walked up to the girl, "hey!"

The girl jumped, snapping out of her unfocused gaze to look up at Yujin.

"Why are you alone?"

To that, the girl shrugged.

"Can I sit with you?"

The girl seemed startled, before nodding, "yeah you can."

Yujin grinned, plopping herself down next to the girl, "I'm Yujin, what's your name?"


"That's a pretty name."

The girl gave a small, hesitant smile, "yours is too."

The two began to eat together, Yujin tilting her head at Wonyoung.

"What grade are you in?"

"I'm in second."

"Oh, I'm in third!"

The two began to talk and get to know each other...

Or well.

It was mainly Yujin that talked, Wonyoung usually just listened, although the younger girl was more than intrigued by the older's stories.

Yujin noticed that as lunch went on, Wonyoung's eyes sparkled up and her smile became bigger, so of course, the puppy got happier too.

"Hey, wanna be friends?"


"Of course! You're really cool, Wonyoung."

The bunny grinned, "you're really cool too, Yujin-unnie."

The older girl was startled from the sudden name, but she smiled, flexing one of her arms.

"Unnie be your protector."

The two giggled at that, and although they had to go their separate ways after lunch ended, they promised to see each other again at the same spot and the same time tomorrow...

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