1.2 [TW]

254 15 16

[TW] - Bullying


"Hey blank face."




"Hey I'm talking to you."

"Maybe she's mute too."

"Nah I heard her talking to our teacher before."

"What do you want."

The girl barely flinched when a hand slammed down on her desk, her eyes slowly rising up from the splayed hand to three faces all staring at her in a mixture of annoyance and humor.

"Wow, even that doesn't scare her."


One of the girls grabbed her hair, "Kang Hyewon."

Hyewon showed no signs of pain as she pulled slightly, "what."

"What'll make you cry?"

"Let's see if we can."

Hyewon shrugged, "go ahead, try."

"I highly doubt we can, I mean hey, she didn't even cry when her only friend left this school."

"Come on, cry and we'll leave you alone."

'I'll never show anyone how weak I can be... I'll get hurt then.'


One of the girls sighed, "maybe if your poor little mother died, you'll cry."

To that, a muscle in Hyewon's mouth visibly twitched.

"Huh... That got a reaction from her."

"What? Care about your mom that much? Isn't she sick?"


"She probably just didn't expect you to bring it up, you know how heartless she is."

'I'm not... heartless...'


'I just... don't want to get hurt even more.'

"You're right she-"


The girls jumped, and Hyewon took that to her advantage to stand up and walk away after grabbing her school bag.

"Hey we're not done talking to you!"

"I am."

'Where was the teacher when you needed them...'

Hyewon looked straight ahead with no sign of emotion in sight, brushing past other elementary school students out of the school and into the streets.

As the sea of students lessened to one or two here and there, Hyewon let her shoulders drop, and she slowed her pace to a stroll as she walked home.




"Eomma I'm home."

"Ah Hyewon-ah! Welcome back, Appa will be here soon too."

Hyewon dropped her bag off near the front of her home before she walked up to her mother.


"Yeah, he's coming home but there's a little bit of... traffic."

Her mother stared at her, "Hyewon, what's wrong?"

Even with no emotion shown in the girl's eyes or expression...

Her mother always knew.



"It's just the same old same old."

"Is it those girls again?"

"... Maybe..."

Her mother sighed, Hyewon startling just a little bit when her mother suddenly ruffled her hair.

"Well, you're almost done with elementary school. You said they were going somewhere else right?"

"I think so."

"Bear with it a little longer okay? My strong little girl."

And with those words, Hyewon gave a small little smile.

Her mother always knew how to make her feel better.

"Want to help me-"

Hyewon's eyes subtly widened as her mother was cut off with her own string of heavy coughs.

"Mihan mihan..."

Her mother drank water, "want to help me cook dinner?"


"Great! Off to the kitchen we go~"


'You're getting worse... Eomma...'

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