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"Good morning everyone, this is your pilot speaking. We please ask you to put your seatbelts on and head back to your seats as we are preparing to land. Once again please put on your seatbelts and head back to your seats at this moment."

"Hii-chan, wake up."

"Mmm I heard him, I'm waking."

Hitomi mumbled under her breath, nuzzling her head deeper into Nako's shoulder.

The older couple who sat next to them, Hitomi's parents, silently awed at the sight.

Of course they approved of Nako.

She made their daughter happy.

And she kept making Hitomi happy, and Hitomi kept making Nako happy as well.

So, what was there to disapprove?

On a bigger, more broader note...

These two were the most healthiest couple in here.

It was still their summer break, and Hitomi's parents had decided to visit Japan with their daughter before she started working a professional job.

Seeing as Nako never really had the chance to go once she came to stay in Korea, they decided to take her with them too.

It'd be nice for Hitomi to meet Nako's parents as well, for Nako's parents to finally meet the girl their daughter had been talking about since they were in high school.

"We have arrived in Tokyo, Japan. Thank you for choosing us for your flight and we hope you choose us again soon."

Hitomi chuckled at how excited Nako looked as they stood up to grab their bags.


"Yeah I ammm. I haven't been to Japan in a while and my parents haven't visited since our undergrad graduation either."

As they headed out the plane, Hitomi's mother rested a hand on Nako's shoulder.

"I'm sure they'd be very happy to see you here as well. Have you told them that you were coming?"

Nako nodded, "yes I did, although I didn't tell them when exactly I'd get there..."

Hitomi's father rubbed his chin, "lucky for us, our family lives nearby your parents."

"Would you both like to meet them as well?"

"If that's okay with both you and your parents."

Nako smiled with another nod, "of course! You both and Hii-chan have taken care of me well in my time in Korea, it'd be an honor for you to meet them."

Hitomi giggled as she wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's shoulders.

"Well, I'm excited to meet them, Nako-chan."

"As are we."

The group had decided to take the same public transport to an area nearby both of them, dropping Nako off at her parents place before the Honda's went to where their family resided.

Hitomi and her parents would meet back up with Nako in a few hours for dinner, but for now, family was first...




"Hii-chan Hii-chan!"

"Come with us Tomi-chan! Look what our oka-san gave us!"

Hitomi chuckled as a couple of her younger cousins brought her into a room where one of their grandparents stayed, knitting away while watching the kids.

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