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"You are going to be a teacher???"

"Yes, I am."

The young woman's father was a bit calmer than her mother, "I thought you went to school to be a doctor."

"I did, I wanted to be a therapist."


"I... I can't. Not right now anyways."

Her mother made an aggressive gesture with her arm, "aish I told you that you can not become a therapist. They are not real doctors either way!"


"Teacher's don't make much money."

"But I still get to help people."


"Help other people?? You need to help yourself first! How will you pay for your rent with no money?"

"I can do it."

"You can do it?? How can you be so-"

"Eomma, I've already applied for a job and did an interview. I got a position at a high school near where I live, for psychology."

The older woman was shocked by her daughter cutting her off, and all she could do was look away and mutter that psychology was practically useless.

"When do you start?"

She looked at her father, "the school year starts in two weeks but I go starting next week to prepare."

The man nodded, resting his hand on her shoulder and pulling her away.

"Let us leave your mother be."

The two headed outside, walking to the woman's car.

"Your mother is just worried, is all."

"I know."

Her father reached into his pocket for his wallet, grabbing a few bills.

"Here, to help start off."

"Oh no it's okay Appa, really, I'm f-"

The man held her hand, slipping the cash inside, "think of it as one last allowance."

"... Thank you."

"Well, I'm sure you are very busy at this time."

The man squeezed the twenty-one year old's shoulder, "I know you'll do well, Eunbi-yah."

The woman, Eunbi, smiled, "thanks Appa, I appreciate it."

Her father nodded, watching as she headed into her car and drove off...

~ ~ ~




A woman was washing the dishes, glancing behind her from a tap on the shoulder.

"Ah- sorry Yuri-yah, I didn't hear the front door open."

The tenth grader shook her head, giving her mother a small smile before pointing behind her.

But as the girl was about to walk away, the water of the kitchen sink stopped.

"Yuri, stay here."

The girl stopped, slowly turning back around to see her mother dry her hands.

"Sit down, we need to talk."

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