2.3 [M]

255 16 18


[M] - Crime/Robbery, weapon involved

"Yeah I'll close the store tonight."

"Are you sure?"

Chaeyeon smiled as she heard her sister's voice through the phone.

"Yeah don't worry about it okay? Have some fun."

After a few more moments, the cashier ended the call, putting her phone away as she cleaned the counter.


Chaeyeon greeted a masked man who entered the convenience store, only to flinch and immediately raise both of her hands.

"Drop that."

The college student did as she was told, dropping the rag she used to clean the counter while keeping her eyes on the armed man.

The man gestured with his head to the cash register as he kept his aim steady on the girl, tossing a backpack onto the counter.

"Put all the money in there."

As Chaeyeon slowly put her hands down, she took a step back while instinctively pulling her hands closer when the man made an aggressive gesture with the gun in hand.

"And no funny business alright? Hurry up."

The girl did as she was told, the man gazing around while he kept his arm locked straight.

He gestured with his head once more, "give me one of those too, the Raison." (Korean cigarette brand)

Chaeyeon reached on the shelf behind her without turning her head, feeling for the pack of cigarettes by memory before placing it on the counter.

He put the slim box in his coat pocket after putting one in his mouth, grabbing a lighter from the counter containers.

Chaeyeon kept an eye on him as she put the cash register money in the bag, her eyes flickering to a dark-haired woman that slowly crept up behind the man.

'What the hell is she doing?'

The woman, who Chaeyeon knew from her coming to the store often for food, quietly grabbed a hard item from the aisle shelves, seeming to test its durability before changing the grip she had on the object.

The man raised his free hand to light the cigarette in his mouth, his grip on the gun loosening as he did so.


Chaeyeon jumped as the woman slammed something hard to the side of the man's head from behind, the man stumbling to the side as the firearm dropped to the ground from the impact.

"I called the cops."

The woman grabbed the gun as the man felt his head, staggering back up as she clicked the safety of the gun on.

Sirens could be heard coming closer from outside, and with the safety on, the woman loosely pointed the gun at the burglar.


Seeing that he had no way to take the gun back without getting hurt, the man sneered, sprinting outside.

The woman let her hand fall back to her side as they began to hear the police yelling for the man to stop, about to say something to the frightened cashier.

"Hey are you-"

"Drop your weapon."

The woman flinched, dropping the gun a few feet away from her as she slowly raised her hands, her eyes reluctantly meeting the eyes of uniformed men that all pointed a similar weapon at her.

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