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"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm heading out for a drive."

"At this hour???"

"I need some fresh air."

A little girl's leg bounced as she stayed in her room, listening to the two adults arguing outside.

She jumped as the door slammed shut, quickly going back to her bed from her spot at her door when she heard her mother walk down the hall with an exhausted sigh.

She slipped underneath her covers, closing her eyes as she faced the wall.

Knock Knock...





The older woman quietly opened the door, her footsteps could be heard coming closer to Yena's bed.

After seeing that her daughter was asleep, she sighed again, "I'm sorry... Yena..."

The girl kept her eyes closed as her mother brushed aside a strand of her hair.

"It'll get better soon... I promise."


"Just keep being happy okay? My little dove... Appa and I still love you very much."

And with a kiss to her temple, her mother walked away, closing the door behind her.




Yena opened her eyes, glancing back to see that her mother had left.




'Just keep being happy okay?'




A small smile formed, "okay..."





"T-teacher! I think Yena got hurt!"

The teacher turned around from talking to another teacher, looking past the student to see a little girl pick herself up from the ground.

"Oh dear."

Both the teacher and student went up to Yena, seeing her brush off dirt from her knees.

"Yena dear, are you alright?"

The girl looked up, giving the teacher a smile, "yeah I'm okay! Just a little fall."

"I'm so sorry Yena I should have looked where I was running."

The taller girl chuckled, patting her classmate's head, "ah it's okay it wasn't your fault. Want to keep playing?"

"I-if you're okay!"

"Yeahhh let's go!"

The other teacher walked up to their teacher as they both ran off to play with their friends again, gesturing to Yena.

"She is a fifth grader, yes? In your class?"

"Yes she is..."

"I don't think I've seen her frown... Or sad at that."

The teacher shook her head, "never, I've had her a few years back and even as a little child, she never cried, she never threw tantrums... Nothing."

"She always helps people too, does she not? I've seen her walking around with the pass, taking things to other teachers."

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