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The Japanese girl's mother glanced over, "yes, Sa-chan?"

The twenty-one year old bounced between her feet, unable to get the words out of her mouth.

Which worried her mother, "Sakura dear, what's wrong?"

"I want to go to Korea."

Her mother stared in surprise, "what?"

"Everyone knows me here because of Oto-san, the police keep bothering me asking me where he is even though we both haven't seen him in years, and they all think I'm going to do something bad because of all that. I can't even get a job with all this on me."


"So I want to go live in Korea."

"You won't finish your education?"

"I'll go to a college there, I've looked up transfer credits for Japan and Korea."

"Do you know Korean?"

"Enough to get by until I learn more, I've been studying over the summer in my freetime."

"Have you told your aunt about this?"


"No... I'll tell Oba-san later."

"Do you have money for a ticket and everything?"

"Yes, I've saved up for the plane ticket, a place to stay, and I have extra for emergencies."






After what seemed like ages, Sakura's mother slowly nodded her head.

"You are still young..."

She sighed, "I would hate for your potential to go to waste because of who you are related to... Go, I will root for you from here, and you are always welcome back home."

Sakura grinned, hugging her mother, "thank you, Oka-san."


~ ~ ~

Ding Dong... Ding Dong...


The new customer nodded before doing their own thing, the college student behind the counter going back to studying, once in a while glancing over to see if anyone in the store needed help or was acting fishy.

Ding Dong... Ding Dong...


"Thank y- Chaeyeon?"

The nineteen year old glanced up, seeing that one of her college acquaintances was the person who entered the convenience store just now.

"Oh uh, hey."

"Wow I didn't know you worked here, is this the store you were talking about that your family owned?."

Chaeyeon chuckled, "yeah, just trying to help out whenever I can you know?"

Her peer nodded, "for sure, hey, let me know when you're free so we can hang out with the others okay?"

"Yeah of course, thanks man."




"You're never gonna tell them when you're free."

Chaeyeon glanced behind her to see that one of her younger sisters walked in from the back entrance, backpack slung across her shoulders.

"Hey Chaer, and shush they'll hear you."

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