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A college girl jumped from the sudden thud that occurred out in the living room.

Two familiar voices grew louder, and the always happy girl froze, her pencil stopped mid-twirl with a textbook open in front of her.

'They're... fighting...'

The hold she had on the pencil tightened, but her constant small smile never faltered.

Although less than when she was a child, the student's parents still argued and fought now and then, as did most parents and couples.


Her parents usually went further than the average argument, usually getting so heated that one of them leaves.

She learned to block out what her parents were usually fighting abou-

"And what about Yena?"

"What about her?"

"Look at how she acts! She's been like this for years because of this."

The girl's smile dropped for a split second.

"Well that's her problem, she's a grown adult, she can do what she wants."

'They're... mad at... me?'


'Because... of me?'

The pencil in her hand dropped.

'But I didn't do anything wrong did I? So why...'

As her parents' voices slowly died down, Yena grabbed her phone, her thumbs trembling as she tapped away.

'Shoot, Hyewon's in class...'



Calling JoYul...




"Please leave a message-"

"Damn it..."

Yena bit at her lip, gnawing on the weak piece of skin as she went to another app on her phone.

yena.jigumina: hey is yuri free rn?

_chaechae_1: uhh she's taking a shower rn but yeah

_chaechae_1: what's up unnie?

yena.jigumina: can i come over

yena.jigumina: please

_chaechae_1: oh yeah sure, idm, our mom's not here either so yeah

Yena.jigumina: thanks chaewon ah

Yena stumbled up from her chair, quickly grabbing a light jacket and her keys alongside her phone before waiting outside her closed bedroom door.

She slipped the jacket on, waiting a few moments to see if she could hear her parents moving around or talking.

When she didn't, she opened her door quietly, startling when confronted with her mother right outside the door, her hand raised as if ready to knock.



"Hey Eomma."

Her mother, with tired eyes, glanced at Yena up and down, "where are you going?"

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